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What is National Mineral Policy?

  • National Mineral policy 2019 replaces the policy of the form on minerals 2008 and prelamins to non-coal and non-fuel minerals I.e. metallic and non-metallic minerals.
  • NMP 2019 recommended by K.Rajeshwara committee on SC’s judgement on Khanjar and Syndergaard, Odisha’s top mining activity. Thus, the need to propose new policy arise due to incapability of former policy to deal with certain issues like illegal mining, challenges of mining, etc.

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Key proposals of NMP 2019

  • Increase production of major minerals by 200% in the coming 7 years.
  • Increase production of domestic minerals to reduce the trade deficit in seven years.
  • Boost private investment in the mining sector through large financial package or right to refusal at first auction. Thereby, ensuring business-friendly policy guided with a case of doing business.
  • Yes, it ensures environmentally and socially responsible mining. Responsible mining refers to sustainable and equitable performing of activities in the mining sector.

Environmentally friendly-

  1. NMP 19 deals with unscientific and rampant mining which degrades the ecological mandate.
  2. Also deals with poor track records of environmental menace from illegal activities.
  3. Creation and restoration of exclusive zones and designating them as ‘no go’ or ‘inviolate areas’.
  4. Simplifying clearance process for performing activities by companies especially for diversion of forest land into non-forestry practices with ecological balance.
  5. Deals with environmental pollution of air, water and soil which had severely affected people’s health.
  6. Also mentions the use of renewable sources of energy to reduce environmental pollution, carbon footprint and operational cost.
  7. To prepare the report on mining activities to see the impact on environmental and relate issues.

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Social friendly-

  1. Take care of tribal communities living in these areas.
  2. Devolution of mining benefits to people affected by the project into District Minerals fund.
  3. Rehabilitation and resettlement of tribal.

To conclude for effective mining policy’s implementation, the statutory body could be constituted under the Ministry of mines which will also guide government on dead rent, rates of royalty etc. Hence, this will bolster eco. Growth, strengthen make in the India initiative and focus on sustainable development.

RBI Grade B 2019

Monetary Policy Review – June 2019

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