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most common puzzles asked in interview.

What are reproductive rights of women?

The state of the world population report (2019) of UNFFA has for the first time come up with the data of women’s ability to decide on her reproductive and several health and the negative reprehensions which it has on them.

  • It states that women do not have the right to decide on child planning which has an impact on their health and their life.
  • 214 million women around the world want contraception use but one denied.
  • 800 women and girls die every day due to preventable, child-related birth issue and still, 76 countries have banned the right of a woman to choose their several preferences.
  • The rooted patriarchal norms in our country have hindered the growth and development of women in our country.

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They are found to have children in preference of a male child or else are discriminated on sometimes even courted.

  • They are not able to get benefits of education, income opportunity as they are found to work home doing the case of their families which deteriorates their quality of life and becomes a major hurdle in compelling them.
  • Women’s several reproductive rights are related to multiple human rights like the right to live, right against discrimination, right to privacy and right to health.

This means that the state has a moral obligation to enforce legislation to safeguards the rights of women and their overall well being.

  • The judiciary at the same time has to take a proactive approach and such women related issues have to be treated sensitively.

The human rights of a woman include their right to choose and control over and deciding freely and responsibly on matters related to their severalty and reproductive health which should be respected at all cost.

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