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Global Environment: Importance of Amazon rain forest to Earth

Amazon forest is on fire, literally – trees are covered with leaping blazes, rivers are covered with thick plums of smokes are there, animals are running for cover, tribes are being pushed deep inside the forest. In just three minutes around 74,000-hectare areas of forest lands have been lost to blazes, which are burning in seven of the nine states that share the Brazilian part of the world largest rainforest.

This is the situation of Amazon Rainforest, which absorbs 25% of the 2.4 billion tons of carbon removed from the atmosphere every year. Forest fires are as old as forest themselves not only posts a threat a forests wealth but also adversely affects the flora and fauna seriously distributing the biodiversity. Even in such a catastrophic situation, the response of the Brazilian President is far from expected.

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A state of denial:

  • Despite the evidences that the environment criminals are the responsible for fire, the Brazilian government is neither acknowledging nor acting towards it.
  • Bolsonaero has taken environment to be a joke.
  • He is even categorized as “Deforestation Minister”. Also has fueled the fires with his words and policies, doesn’t believe in global warming.

A  battered image:

  • Brazil is a very friendly country and has no conflicts with either countries. Its image is crystal clear with its magical football and mesmerizing samba. It has also emerged as a powerbase of economics.
  • But its recent Amazon forest fires combined with negative responses of its President and has shattered the image all over the world.

Aggression as defense:

  • Bolsonaero ‘s response towards G7 meeting of promoting aid; his nasty fights; his rejection of the proposed $20 million from the G7 leaders; closing down of Amazon funds seem that he is anytime ready for aggression and doesn’t want to take the blame.

For greed’s sake:

  • Bolsonaero is looking for only economic profits and is promoting agriculture & mining in the Amazon; he has spent Amazon for business.
  • Even US taking interest due to its economic profits in Amazon. All these factors show the greedy, lack of knowledge views & activities of Bolsonaero. There is a need for collective global policy to save the climate.
  • Facing backlash from Europe, which is economically important for Brazil.
  • Europe will boycott its products.
  • Finland will ban imports of beef.
  • G7 granting an aid to Brazil.

Many steps are being taken but the Bolsonaero is ignorant of any help.

The fire has been controlled yet the problem is not yet gone. The global peers must come together and try to figure out a solution in a long rush. Amazon is the largest rainforest of the world; if it is destroyed in the form, the world will be damaged from its core.

“One should never say bad things do evil duds or make offences so that the forest doesn’t catch fire”- rightly said by tribes living in Amazon.

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