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Summary of Agricultural Census

The agricultural census is conducted every five years to collect data on the “structural aspects of operational holdings” of the country. This census, conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture, is in three phases – Phase 1: Data on primary characteristics of various social groups, genders and types of holding is collected; Phase 2: Detailed data on characteristics of operational holdings is taken from 20% of the villages selected in Phase 1; Phase 3: Also known as Input Survey, relates to the pattern of input use by operational holdings.

The latest agricultural census was taken in 2015-16 and the next census will be conducted in 2020-21. The census is taken under various headings and a brief summary of Phase 1 of the 2015-16 census is as given below.

Percentage share of different social groups in number of operational holdings

The scheduled castes constitute 11.91%, scheduled tribes constitute 8.72%, the institutional groups constitute 0.18% and the majority is taken up by other groups.

Percentage share of different social groups in area operated by holdings

The scheduled castes constitute 8.61%, the scheduled tribes constitute 11.40%, 0.97% comprises of institutional groups and the majority percentage is covered by other groups.

Number of operational holdings

The marginal holdings are 99858 in number, small holdings are 25777 in number, semi medium are 13776 in number, medium holdings are 5485 in number and large holdings total to 831.

Area operated by operational holdings

Area taken by marginal holdings is 37960 hectares, small holdings is 36435 ha, semi medium is 37168 ha, medium holdings is 31367 ha and large holdings is 14212 ha.

Average size of operational holdings

The average size of operational holdings in the year 2015-16 is 1.08 ha.

The total number of holdings in all sizes is 145727, total operated area in all sizes is 157142 and the average in all sizes is 1.08 for all social groups.

Scheduled Castes

The marginal holdings are 13547 in number, small holdings are 2471 in number, semi medium are 975 in number, medium holdings are 313 in number, large holdings total to 48 and the total number of holdings in all sizes amount to 173555.

The operated area of marginal holdings is 4952 ha, small holdings are 3451 ha, semi medium is 2584 ha, medium holdings are 1778, large holdings are 761 ha and the total operated area in all sizes 13526 ha.

The average for marginal holdings is 0.37, small holdings is 1.40, semi medium 2.65, medium holdings is 5.67, large holdings is 15.72 and the total average for all sizes is 0.78.

Scheduled Tribes

The marginal holdings are 7135 in number, small holdings are 2994 in number, semi medium are 1773 in number, medium holdings are 702 in number, large holdings total to 97 and the total number of holdings in all sizes amount to 12701.

The operated area of marginal holdings is 3433 ha, small holdings are 4249 ha, semi medium is 4756 ha, medium holdings are 3995, large holdings are 1475 ha and the total operated area in all sizes 17908 ha.

The average for marginal holdings is 0.48, small holdings is 1.42, semi medium 2.68, medium holdings is 5.69, large holdings is 15.23 and the total average for all sizes is 1.41.


Number and area of operational holdings – state wise – marginal size

A table showing the number and area of operational holdings of marginal size of all states and union territories of the country is given in the census. The highest number of operational holdings is in the state of Uttar Pradesh and the lowest number of operational holdings is in Chandigarh. The largest area of operational holdings is in Rajasthan and the smallest area of operational holdings is in Chandigarh. In total, the number of operational holdings is 145727 and the area of operational holdings is 157142.

Number and area of operational holdings – state wise – small size

The highest number of operational holdings is in the state of Maharashtra and the lowest number of operational holdings is less than 500 hectares in a few states and union territories. The largest area of operational holdings is in Maharashtra and the smallest area of operational holdings is negligible in few states. In total, the number of operational holdings is 25777 and the area of operational holdings is 36435.

Number and area of operational holdings – state wise – semi medium size

The highest number of operational holdings is in the state of Maharashtra and the lowest number of operational holdings is less than 500 hectares in a few states and union territories. The largest area of operational holdings is in Maharashtra and the smallest area of operational holdings is negligible in few states. In total, the number of operational holdings is 13776 and the area of operational holdings is 37168.

Number and area of operational holdings – state wise – medium size

A table showing the number and area of operational holdings of medium size of all states and union territories of the country is given in the census. The highest number of operational holdings is in the state of Madhya Pradesh and the lowest number of operational holdings is less than 500 hectares in a few states and union territories. The largest area of operational holdings is in Rajasthan and the smallest area of operational holdings is negligible in few states. In total, the number of operational holdings is 5485 and the area of operational holdings is 31367.


Number and area of operational holdings – state wise – large size

A table showing the number and area of operational holdings of large size of all states and union territories of the country is given in the census. The highest number of operational holdings is in the state of Rajasthan and the lowest number of operational holdings is less than 500 hectares in a few states and union territories. The largest area of operational holdings is in Rajasthan and the smallest area of operational holdings is negligible in few states. In total, the number of operational holdings is 831 and the area of operational holdings is 14212.

Number and area of operational holdings – state wise – all sizes

A table showing the number and area of operational holdings of all sizes of all states and union territories of the country is given in the census. The highest number of operational holdings is in the state of Uttar Pradesh and the lowest number of operational holdings is less than 500 hectares in a few states and union territories. The largest area of operational holdings is in Rajasthan and the smallest area of operational holdings is negligible in few states. In total, the number of operational holdings is 17355 and the area of operational holdings is 13526.

Scheduled Castes

Number and area of operational holdings – state wise – marginal sizes

A table showing the number and area of operational holdings of marginal size of all states and union territories of the country is given in the census. The highest number of operational holdings is in the state of Uttar Pradesh and the lowest number of operational holdings is less than 500 hectares in a few states and union territories. The largest area of operational holdings is in Uttar Pradesh and the smallest area of operational holdings is negligible in few states. In total, the number of operational holdings is 13547 and the area of operational holdings is 4952.


Number and area of operational holdings – state wise – small sizes

The highest number of operational holdings is in the state of Uttar Pradesh and the lowest number of operational holdings is less than 500 hectares in a few states and union territories. The largest area of operational holdings is in Maharashtra and the smallest area of operational holdings is negligible in few states. In total, the number of operational holdings is 2471 and the area of operational holdings is 3451.

Number and area of operational holdings – state wise – semi medium

The highest number of operational holdings is in the state of Uttar Pradesh and the lowest number of operational holdings is less than 500 hectares in a few states and union territories. The largest area of operational holdings is in Maharashtra and the smallest area of operational holdings is negligible in few states. In total, the number of operational holdings is 2471 and the area of operational holdings is 3451.

Number and area of operational holdings – state wise – medium

The highest number of operational holdings is in the state of Rajasthan and the lowest number of operational holdings is less than 500 hectares in a few states and union territories. The largest area of operational holdings is in Rajasthan and the smallest area of operational holdings is negligible in few states. In total, the number of operational holdings is 313 and the area of operational holdings is 1778.

Number and area of operational holdings – state wise – large

The highest number of operational holdings is in the state of Rajasthan and the lowest number of operational holdings is less than 500 hectares in a few states and union territories. The largest area of operational holdings is in Rajasthan and the smallest area of operational holdings is negligible in few states. In total, the number of operational holdings is 48 and the area of operational holdings is 761.


Number and area of operational holdings – state wise – all sizes

The highest number of operational holdings is in the state of Madhya Pradesh and the lowest number of operational holdings is less than 500 hectares in a few states and union territories. The largest area of operational holdings is in Madhya Pradesh and the smallest area of operational holdings is negligible in few states. In total, the number of operational holdings is 12701 and the area of operational holdings is 17908.

Scheduled Tribes

Number and area of operational holdings – state wise – marginal sizes

The highest number of operational holdings is in the state of Odisha and the lowest number of operational holdings is less than 500 hectares in a few states and union territories. The largest area of operational holdings is in Odisha and the smallest area of operational holdings is negligible in few states. In total, the number of operational holdings is 7135 and the area of operational holdings is 3433.

Number and area of operational holdings – state wise – small sizes

The highest number of operational holdings is in the state of Madhya Pradesh and the lowest number of operational holdings is less than 500 hectares in a few states and union territories. The largest area of operational holdings is in Madhya Pradesh and the smallest area of operational holdings is negligible in few states. In total, the number of operational holdings is 2994 and the area of operational holdings is 4249.

Number and area of operational holdings – state wise – semi medium sizes

The highest number of operational holdings is in the state of Madhya Pradesh and the lowest number of operational holdings is less than 500 hectares in a few states and union territories. The largest area of operational holdings is in Madhya Pradesh and the smallest area of operational holdings is negligible in few states. In total, the number of operational holdings is 1773 and the area of operational holdings is 4756.

Number and area of operational holdings – state wise – medium sizes

The highest number of operational holdings is in the state of Madhya Pradesh and the lowest number of operational holdings is less than 500 hectares in a few states and union territories. The largest area of operational holdings is in Madhya Pradesh and the smallest area of operational holdings is negligible in few states. In total, the number of operational holdings is 702 and the area of operational holdings is 3995.

Number and area of operational holdings – state wise – large sizes

The highest number of operational holdings is in the state of Nagaland and the lowest number of operational holdings is less than 500 hectares in a few states and union territories. The largest area of operational holdings is in Nagaland and the smallest area of operational holdings is negligible in few states. In total, the number of operational holdings is 97 and the area of operational holdings is 1475.

Statewise percentage distribution of operational holdings for all social groups

The percentage distribution table shows data for all states. The total percentage is 68.52 for marginal, 17.69 for small, 9.45 in semi medium, 3.76 for medium and 0.57 for large holdings.

Statewise percentage distribution of area operated for all social groups

The total percentage is 24.16 for marginal, 23.19 for small, 23.65 in semi medium, 19.96 for medium and 9.04 for large holdings.

Statewise percentage distribution of operational holdings for scheduled castes

The total percentage is 78.06 for marginal, 14.24 for small, 5.62 in semi medium, 1.81 for medium and 0.28 for large holdings.

Statewise percentage distribution of area operated for scheduled castes

The total percentage is 36.61 for marginal, 25.51 for small, 19.11 in semi medium, 13.14 for medium and 5.63 for large holdings.

Statewise percentage distribution of operational holdings for scheduled tribes

The total percentage is 56.18 for marginal, 23.57 for small, 13.96 in semi medium, 5.53 for medium and 0.76 for large holdings.

Statewise percentage distribution of area operated for scheduled tribes

The total percentage is 19.17 for marginal, 23.73 for small, 26.56 in semi medium, 22.31 for medium and 8.24 for large holdings.

Average size of operational holdings for all social groups

The data given is in hectares. The total size for marginal is 0.38, for small is 1.41, for semi medium is 2.70, for medium is 5.72 and for large holdings is 17.10. The total area for all size groups is 1.08 ha.

Average size of operational holdings for scheduled castes

The data given is in hectares. The total size for marginal is 0.37, for small is 1.40, for semi medium is 2.65, for medium is 5.67 and for large holdings is 15.72. The total area for all size groups is 0.78 ha.

Average size of operational holdings for scheduled tribes

The total size for marginal is 0.48, for small is 1.42, for semi medium is 2.68, for medium is 5.69 and for large holdings is 15.23. The total area for all size groups is 1.41 ha.

Number of operational holdings & area operated by size class/group & gender – all social groups

The total number in marginal size for males is 85101, females is 14602 and total is 99858. The total area of holdings for males is 32727, females is 5182 and the total is 37960. The total number in small size for males is 22306, females is 3433 and total is 25777. The total area of holdings for males is 31599, females is 4784 and the total is 36435. The total number in semi medium size for males is 12157, females is 1589 and total is 13776. The total area of holdings for males is 32876, females is 4210 and the total is 37168. The total number in medium size for males is 4932, females is 529 and total is 5485. The total area of holdings for males is 28229, females is 2996 and the total is 31367. The total number in large size for males is 747, females is 64 and total is 831. The total area of holdings for males is 11999, females is 1016 and the total is 14212. The total number in all sizes for males is 125245, females is 20218 and total is 145727. The total area of holdings for males is 137430, females is 18187 and the total is 157142.

Number of operational holdings & area operated by size class/group & gender – scheduled castes

The total number in all sizes for males is 15013, females is 2342 and total is 17355. The total area of holdings for males is 11921, females is 1605 and the total is 13526.

Number of operational holdings & area operated by size class/group & gender – scheduled tribes

The total number in all sizes for males is 11083, females is 1619 and total is 12701. The total area of holdings for males is 15910, females is 1997 and the total is 17908.

Average size per holding- all social groups

The average for all sizes for males is 1.10, for females is 0.90 and total is 1.08.

Average size per holding- scheduled castes

The average for all sizes for males is 0.79, for females is 0.69 and total is 0.78.

Average size per holding- scheduled tribes

The average for all sizes for males is 1.44, for females is 1.23 and total is 1.41.


Statewise distribution of number & area by major size groups & gender – all social groups

The total number in all India for males is 125245, for females is 20218 and the total is 145727. The total area in all India for males is 137430, for females is 18187 and the total area is 157142.

Statewise distribution of number & area by major size groups & gender – scheduled castes

The total number in all India for males is 15013, for females is 2342 and the total is 173555. The total area in all India for males is 11921, for females is 1605 and the total area is 13526.

Statewise distribution of number & area by major size groups & gender – scheduled tribes

The total number in all India for males is 11083, for females is 1619 and the total is 12701. The total area in all India for males is 15910, for females is 1997 and the total area is 17908.

Average size per holding by major size groups & gender – statewise – all social groups

The average in all India for males is 1.10, for females is 0.90 and the total is 1.08.

Average size per holding by major size groups & gender – statewise – scheduled castes

The average in all India for males is 0.79, for females is 0.69 and the total is 0.78.

Average size per holding by major size groups & gender – statewise – scheduled tribes

The average in all India for males is 1.44, for females is 1.23 and the total is 1.41.

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