Nabard Grade A Study Material and Test Series Online course is a carefully created course by experienced professionals by analyzing past papers and interacting with successful students in Nabard Grade A exam. This course aims to provide best-curated learning material and practice test module so that any candidate can study for Nabard Assistant Manager exams on his own. We have stressed on clearing fundamentals, reading material based on the latest syllabus and intensive practice through mock tests. We are also offering 24×7 doubt clearing facilities through emails and Whatsapp, so that doubt resolutions will happen at the fastest and efficient way.
Nabard Grade A Study Material and Test Series- Course description
Nabard Grade A Study Material Features
- Nabard Grade A Online course has 200+videos and study notes and 2500+practice questions
- Nabard Assistant Manager Study Material is created by experienced faculties from IIT, IM and leading Agriculture univerisites
- Topic wise and Chapter-wise mock tests and their detailed solutions
- Weekly updated with latest study material, current affairs and new quizzes for Nabard Grade A
- Smart tips and tricks for quickly solving Phase 1 subject’ questions
- Special focus on Agriculture and Rural Development, with detailed notes on static portion, and detailed material on current parts.
- Detailed notes and videos on all subjects including ARD, Economics and Finance
- 24×7 doubt support through email and forums
- Course valid until till Nabard Grade A 2019 interviews.
Sample Videos of Nabard Grade A Online Course
Frequently asked questions on Online study material and Test series course for Nabard Grade A
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