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Rising encroachment and man-wild confict

Lately, there has been a significant rise in the population of tiger, thanks to interview convention political such as Majeet tiger, integrated wildlife development.

But there has also been the rise of man-animal conflict that demands policy action:

  • Decreasing habitant grounds such as grazing and breeding grounds have led to a regular encounter among tigers and social population.
  • Encroachment of enclosing and fruit have disturbed the ecological aspect of tiger conservation.
  • Commercialization and fragmentation of protected areas through tourism and industrialization has added to the owe of the said.

Thus a wholes tic policy is the need of the hour: –

Participatory management involving the local communities, IRTS towards the convention can create synergy on the issue, though:

  • Joint tourism management
  • Joint patrolling
  • Coalition along with the principles of the habitual aspect of flagship specials

Integrated policy it needs of the hour to address the demands of the divergent stakeholders passed on

  • Increasing demand for land use for agriculture and industries.
  • Growing urbanization and inevitability.
  • Addressing sustainability issues.
  • Catering to ecological conservation.

 This can be enabled by: –

  • By conservation that is managed vertically (among National, state levels) as well as horizontally (among local tribes, distant forest officials etc.)
  • World live conservancy pleas that integrated ecosystem development with economic development. Eg Karnataka private conservancy plan.
  • Sustainable and social forestry towards creating:
  • FRP rights among tribal
  • Integrating the maintains of Eco-sensitive and no go zones along with the private enterprises.

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