8th All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) for the year 2016-17 was released by Union Ministry of Human Resource Development.
AISHE is a Pan India, annual web-based survey
- Covers all the Higher Educational Institutions in the country
- Conducted by Ministry of Human Resource Development.
- Parameters on which the data is collected are
- Teachers, Student enrollment, programs, examination results, education finance, infrastructure etc
- Used “Gurujan” software for collecting teachers’ detail
- The AISHE data is the main source of information for `Know Your College’ portal.
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Highlights of AISHE
1. Regional Disparity
There exists a regional disparity in college density (number of colleges per lakh eligible population)
State | College Density |
Bihar | 7 |
Telangana | 59 |
All India Average | 28 |
2. Increase in Enrollment: 18.3% increase (with respect to 2012-13) in overall total enrollment in higher education (~35.7million)
3. Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER): A high percentage of the eligible population is still outside college as shown by the GER in Higher Education in India of 25.2% (calculated for 18-23 years of age group).
- The GER for male population is 26% (22.7% in 2012-13) and female is 24.5% (20.1% in 2012-13).
- Target: to reach a GER of 30% by 2020.
4. Gender Parity Index: GPI (a ratio of proportional representation of female and male) for all categories has marginal Improved (from 0.89 in 2012-13 to 0.94 in 2016-17)
- Announced that a supernumerary quota in IITs will be increased.
5. Pupil Teacher Ratio (PTR): Remained Stable in Universities and Colleges is 22 which have remained stable from 21 in 2012-13.
6. The foreign student enrollment has also been increased from 34,774 in 2012-13 to 47,575 in 2016-17 with a greater increase in male foreign students as compared to female students.
7. Maximum number of student enrolled in university , Utter Pradesh > Maharashtra > Tamil Nadu.
Government Initiatives taken to improve education
- Higher Education Financing Agency has been approved to improve the development of infrastructure in premier education institutions.
- Reduction of number of credit for under graduate programs to include the credits for technological innovations.
- Creation of non-lap sable Madhyamik and Plutarch Shiksha Kosh for secondary and higher education.
- Adoption of New Delhi Declaration on Education reiterates India’s commitment to achieve SDG 4 and improve quality of education.
- NGO Prat ham released the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER)
- ASER-2017 released in Jan, 2018
- Title of the Report: “Beyond Basics”
- It has been conducted since 2005 in all rural districts in India.
- It is a household survey rather than a school based survey.
- Cover those children as well who have never been to school or have dropped out, as it is household survey.
- This year, the survey focus on youth who are 14 to 18 years old and have moved just beyond the elementary school age. (Earlier survey focused on the age group of 5 to 65)
- Test four domains – activity, ability, awareness, and aspirations
Highlights (for 14-18 years)
- Overall, 86% of youth in the 14-18 age group are still within the formal education system, either in school
- A substantial proportion of youth in the 14-18 age group are working (42%), regardless of whether they are enrolled in formal education or not. Of those who work, 79% work in agriculture.
- Youth are having difficulty in applying their literacy and numeracy skills to real world situations.
- Females perform worse than males on almost all tasks
- 40% youth did not have any role models for the profession they aspired to.
- Digital Divide– Access to mobile, computer and internet as well as frequency of digital transactions shows a great digital divide which becomes relevant in government’s campaign to push for digital India.
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