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Reasoning Daily Quiz – Dated 24 April

Number of Question – 6                                                         Timing – 6 Min



Blood Relation

Directions (Q.1-3): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

P+Q means P is mother of Q

P- Q means P is mother of Q

P/ Q means P is sister of Q

P*Q means P is wife of Q

P%Q means P is son of Q

1). If ‘M+S+N%P’, then how is M related to N?

a) Grandson

b) Maternal grandmother

c) Paternal grandmother

d) Granddaughter

e) None of these

2). If ‘P%T- Q/ U%R, then how is U related to T?

a) Father

b) Mother

c) Son

d) Daughter

e) None of these

3). Which of the following shows that J is son-in-law of I?

a) N*I-L- K/M%J

b) N*I-L+K/M%J

c) I-L+K/M+N%J

d) N*I-L- K/M+J

e) None of these

Directions (Q.4-6): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

R is the father of P, who is a son-in-law of M and S is the mother of G. S is a sister of K, who is a brother-in-law of P and H is the daughter of T, who is a grandmother of G.

4). How is G related to P?

a) Son

b) Daughter

c) Granddaughter

d) Grandson

e) Cannot be determined

5). If M is a female, then how is H related to S?

a) Sister

b) Sister-in-law

c) Niece

d) Cannot be determined

e) None of these

6). If K married to N, then how is N related to M?

a) Son-in-law

b) Daughter-in-law

c) Mother-in-law

d) Father-in-law

e) None of these


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