Puzzle course for placements
This course covers 100 most frequent asked puzzles during companies placement along with their solutions.
3500+ Students

Puzzle is one of the commonly asked questions during interviews of leading technology companies like Google, Amazon etc. It will help companies in understanding thought process of the students and its problem solving capacity. Given less amount of time given to candidate during interview, a new and unfamilar puzzle is definitely tough to solve. In this course for Puzzles for companies placements, we are providing video course of popular 100 puzzles which companies asked during their interview process. Covering these puzzles will certainly give you a boost up in your preparation. This course covers video material along with doubt support from our teaching team.
Course Requirement
- Good internet connection
Course Structure
1. List of top 100 puzzles and their solutions
2. Tutorial on how to approach puzzles
3. Puzzles exercises
Students Testimonials

yes this course was a good match for me because i actually learned things i had no clue about which will help me later and to also teach others.

We have covered most popular and frequently asked puzzles in this course. In our opinion, this will be sufficient for preparation. However, there are lot many lesser popular puzzles too, which we have excluded. Chances of them being asked is less, howeer if student want, he/she can discuss them with teachers.
We will provide 10 practice puzzles in this course, so that you can practice with new problem set.
This course is prepared by IIT IIM graduates having rich industrial experience.
An average student finish our Puzzle course in 1 month.