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letter writing

Letter Writing – What is Letter Writing? Different Types with Examples

Not so long before, when humans did not have luxuries of computers and mobile phones, we used to rely of another form of communication called letters. Letter writing many centuries ago, and it still is very much in use today.  Letter writing is still considered a necessary skill in school, college and professional life.  It is often said that most of successful people are good writers, because they know how to express themselves best to other people.

In this article, we will go through very basics of letter writing, things which you are required in school, college or in professional career. This article is applicable to all.

What is Letter Writing?

Letter writing is formal method of communication between two or more people.

Some of the example of letter writing-

  • letter for granting leaves
  • letter for late fee payment
  • letter for changing hostel etc

Different types of letters

There are various types of letter writing like letter to principal, teacher, friend, parents, cousin etc. Overall, they can be classified into two broad types.

Formal Letter- This is when you make correspondence to person holding a position. For example- letter to higher authority, letter to Principal, letter to Boss etc. This language used in this type of letter writing are more formal, condensed and upto the point. Remember, the person holding a position, has very limited time at his/her hand, so writing long, vague, unformatted, error prone letter means that receiver may likely to reject your letter.

Informal Letter- This type of letter is addressed to friends or family or closer acquaintance. As both sender and receiver know about each other, this type of letter can have casual or personal conversion. You may share your thoughts, plan, feelings etc to receiver. But, the broad rules of letter writing apply here including proper formatting, error free , purpose of letter etc.

There are many types of letters, and each has its own objective. However, there are many common features/part in letter which remains same in all of them.

Parts of letter

  • Sender’s address
  • Date
  • Greeting or Salutation
  • Body of the Letter
  • Subscription
  • Signature

Point to note

  1. Sender’ address is address of correspondence (offline) or Email ID in case of online communication
  2. Date format should be used as commonly accepted. For example, use Dec 1, 2022 instead of 1/12/22 or 12/1/22
  3. Salutation depends upon receiver. We can use Mr/Ms/Dear/Sir/Title of Job, depending on receiver.
  4. Body is where your message resides. It should not be very long, neither should be too little. Ideally it should contain 100-200 words / 2-3 small paragraphs (maximum). Use simple and direct language that is easy to comprehend.
  5. A subscription is about politely closing the letter. It can be written as Yours faithfully, Yours lovingly, Yours sincerely, With love, etc. It depends upon types of letter.
  6. The signature or the name of the writer should be written just before the subscription.

Letter Writing Examples

Sample Informal Letter – Letter to a friend asking him to meet

123, Simpsons Apartment

South Park, MI 121212

Jan 03, 2022

Dearest Ted,

I hope you are doing great, and have great time this winter.

I am happy to tell that I will be in South Park this Saturday, and will be free during day.  I thought of meeting with you at city center, with possible lunch and visit to shopping mall nearby. We can also discuss on upcoming school project.

Let me know if this plan suits you, or you have already planned your day.

See you soon,



Sample Formal Letter – Letter of Application

3, Old Castle Road

Nashville 76503

Aug 12, 2020

Human Resource Department

New Pathways Company

Bronx 50343

Subject: Application for the post of Computer Operator

Dear Sir,

This is with respect to Computer Operator vacancy listed by your company on website dated Aug 10, 2020.

I am Maria Perry, and I am interested in applying to your reputed organization for this post. I am experience of 1 year in similar job profile in my last company, Star Electricals, Bronx. I am sharing my resume along with this mail for your reference.

Looking forward to hear from you.

Yours faithfully,

Maria Perry


Few more letter writing examples

  • Writing a Letter to Your Friend asking her for visit to library
  • Letter to Your Friend telling him about your recent visit to a beach
  • Letter to Your Friend inviting her to visit your country home this summer
  • Letter to your Friend telling her what you learnt during Christmas vacations
  • Letter to Your Friend inviting her to your Birthday Party

More types of Letter Writing

  • Writing a Letter to Principal requesting her to issue School leaving certificate
  • Writing a complaint letter to local authorities on poorly lit street in your neighborhood
  • Writing a letter to Bank Manager asking her to issue a new cheque book
  • Writing an appointment letter to candidate who is selected for the job of Teacher
  • Writing an invitation letter to Mayor asking her to visit your school
  • Writing a letter to a company asking them to send new quotation

You may be interested in

  • Letter writing for Grade 3
  • Letter writing for Grade 4
  • Letter writing for Grade 5
  • Letter writing for Grade 6
  • Letter writing for Grade 7
  • Letter writing for Grade 8
  • Letter writing for Grade 9
  • Letter writing for Grade 10

You can connect with our counselors for your letter writing requirements. We will be glad to assist you.

FAQ on Letter Writing

Why do we need letter writing?

Letter writing is a method of communication your thoughts to other person in form written communication, and in anticipation of any response from the receiver.

How do I start writing a letter?

First be clear with the purpose of letter, and to whom it is addressed to. The letter can then be drafted, keeping in mind that it include all necessary points/information which you want to convey.

What are the parts of a letter?

All letters should have mandatory 6 parts. They include the Sender’s Address and Date, Receiver’s Address, Salutation, Body of the Letter, Complimentary Close and Signature.

What are the types of letter writing?

Broadly Letter writing are of two main types – Formal Letters and Informal Letters. Formal letters are letters that are written for official or business communication, whereas informal letters are written on personal communication with friends, family or close acquaintance

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