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Interview with RBI Officer – Venkat Bhargav


In our interview series, we have now interviewed Mr Venkat Bhargav, who is working as Grade B Manager. He will share you tips and tricks about RBI preparation strategy, and share some glimpse on organization culture at RBI.


Q: Tell us something about yourself?

A: My name is Venkat. I work at RBI Central office Mumbai

Q: When and how did you join RBI?

A: I joined RBI as a Grade B officer in 2012

Q: How did you prepare for RBI recruitment exam?

A: I prepared by myself using various online sources

Q: How was RBI interview experience?

A: The interview was extensive and covered topics such as finance, economics, current affairs etc.

Q: How is induction program for new recruits at RBI?

A: The induction program provides new recruits with an in depth understanding of the various functions of RBI

Q: How is your experience in RBI so far?

A: My experience has been enriching both in terms of professional and personal development

Q: How do you compare RBI job with other career in private and government sector?

A: RBI is far more agile and knowledge based as compared to other public sector organisations

Q: What is your one piece of advice to people seeking career in RBI?

A: Candidates must prepare well for Financial management as well as their elective using a number of sources

Did you know Xamnation follows student-teacher close engagement in RBI Grade B preparation.


It is hard to get in to the RBI, but it worth of every effort to be a RBI officer. We will continue our series of interview with RBI officers. If you have any question on this interview, please feel free to ask in the discussion thread below.

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Did you know Xamnation provides best doubt support for RBI Grade B preparation

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