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Interview with RBI Grade B Officer Vimal Kishore


In our interview series, we have now interviewed Mr Vimal Kishore, who is working as Grade b Manager. He will share you RBI preparation strategy, and also share some glimpse on work and life at RBI.


Q: Tell us something about yourself?

A: I am Vimal Kishore, currently working as RBI Manager Grade B.

Q: When and how did you join RBI?

A: Joined in 2016, through direct recruitment process as grade B officer

Q: How did you prepare for RBI recruitment exam?

A: Self study based on the syllabus

Q: How was RBI interview experience?

A: Interview revolved around my work experience and why do I want to join RBI and also a few questions about functioning of RBI.

Q: How is induction program for new recruits at RBI?

A: It’s about a 2 months program at Chennai. It covers almost every aspect of central banking along with lectures on micro and macro economics. Basically external faculty from IIT Madras and other nearby colleges and universities take lectures. There are exams conducted for each subject.

Q: How is your experience in RBI so far?

A: There is a lot to learn but it is also highly bureaucratic institution.

Q: How do you compare RBI job with other career in private and government sector?

A: It is well paying job with lots of learning but career progression is not that great. There is a lot of stagnation.

Q: What is your one piece of advice to people seeking career in RBI?

A: It is a different kind of job. Not a typical government job, neither as rigorous as the private sector.

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It is hard to get in to the RBI, but it worth of every effort to be a RBI officer. We will continue our series of interview with RBI officers. If you have any question on this interview, please feel free to ask in the discussion thread below.

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