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group discussion topics

How does internet impact our daily life?

Internet is the network of globally connected computer systems which uses Internet protocol for linking such systems.

Since it’s an option, when it was able to send low volumes of data, the same ‘data packet’ techniques has increased the capacity of the internet.

It has a far reaching impact upon the daily life of humans –

Internet impact –

  1. Health
  • Online education
  • Information about government programs, etc.
  1. Technology
  • Supercomputers
  • Space technology
  • Artificial intelligence, IoT, data mining, cloud computing
  1. Education
  • Apps like Byju’s for education
  • Long-distance courses
  1. Political
  • Transparency and accountability to people
  • Information about government schemes
  • Grievance redressed
  1. Economy
  • E-commerce
  • Stock trading
  • Business process outsourcing (BPO)
  • Start-ups
  1. Society
  • Communication
  • Matrimonial

Thus the internet has a 360-degree impact on the daily life of humans.

Tips for cracking Group Discussion: Don’t waste your time judging the other person. Listen and be mentally present. Let the concerned person do judging. You may or may not support a point but that does not mean the other person is wrong. It is very easy to run in to conclusions, please hold back or things will fall out of place. Check out latest group discussion topics for interview


The advantages of the internet are –

  • It is a democratic platform where anyone gets access to information without any lias.
  • With India upholding the principles of next neutrality, the budding participants get a level playing field to show their skill.
  • With intuitive like Digital India, many formal proceedings are done online. It gives relief to physically disabled and other such people with special needs.
  • The Internet has completed globalization by which the world has become a small village. An individual can have products and services from another part of the world with a ‘click of fingers’
  • It allows the government of the day and people to reach out to one another. During emergency situations,the role of the internet becomes crucial, ex. – in cyclone ‘Fani’ administrative assistance was given by centres over the Internet.
  • With other services like – entertainment, global positioning system, education, health, the internet has become indispensable in today’s time.

However, there are convicts attached to it-

  • Risk of pornography being accessed by children
  • Radicalisation campaigns fomenting terrorism
  • Intelligence agencies interfering in internal matters of countries. Ex. Role of Russia in manipulating US illusion (MuellesReport)
  • Addiction, anxiety, frauds, hate messages come with the rule of internet
  • Leakage of crucial information pertaining to national security, etc.
  • Targeted advertisement based onthe unscrupulous collection of data of users without convent violates the right to privacy and autonomy.

Tips for cracking Group Discussion: Don’t be physically present and mentally absent. You may be having personal problems. Free yourself and put a full stop to negative thinking. Check out latest group discussion topics for interview. Enroll into mock group discussion course, and get 5 mock GD along with preparation material.


Internet is a creation of humans but it should not become a problem for humans. This can be ensured by the ethical use of the internet, safe protocols, strictdata protection laws as in Europe, net neutrality and usage of internet by students, children under the supervision of their parents or guardians

RBI Grade B Online Coaching Program

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