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Do we need changes in teacher training programs in India?

Asper views of  Chonkya :

Construction and destruction both plays under the shadow of a teacher.

Teacher plays a very vital role in shaping the destiny of country through educating children in right approach.

Therefore quality of teaching can profoundly help in education  outcomes concern of in teaching :-

  • Pratham’sAnnual status of education report shows the poor level of teaching in country.

Pratham’s CEO Rukmini Banerjee highlightedthe main role of teachers in improving status.

  • Governance problem, more focus on getting into classroom, instead of imparking skill or education.
  • Low wages of teachers make them reluctance to use there potential.
  • There is no effort to improve the teaching skill of teachers.
  • No appropriate training has been imparted before the recanted in schools.
  • Low sense of internal responsibility of duty hampers in there performance.
  • There exit no measure to check the competence and performance of teacher.

What can be possible solution:-

  1. Teacher’s feedback should be taken care of .
  2. Training system of teachers should be strengthened .
  3. Performance of teacher can be measures with incorporation of report card of teachers.
  4. Reward should be given.
  5. Encourage teachers for better performance.

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Teachers are the backbone of our educational system. Reforming in teaching will definitely brought a profound reforms in educationaloutcomes of children.


Why is quality of teachers bad in India?

1 thought on “Do we need changes in teacher training programs in India?”

  1. Learning Matters

    I am very happy when reading this blog post because the blog post is written in a good manner and written on a good topic. The best choice for a teacher training programs.

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