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CV Building Workshop

Resume/CV tips, CV Writing Workshops, Personal Mentorship for creating JOB ready CV

3500+ Students enrolled

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CV/Resume is first point of contact with potential employer. A good CV will increase your chance of getting a dream job or internship. In this course for CV writing, we will help you in creating best designed CV/Resume. We will help you with selecting best and popular templates, mentor you in framing your CV/Resume with proper words and sentences which will increase your chances of getting shortlist for the interview or call. Our experienced professionals will guide you and help you in creating best CV as per your profile and achievement.

Course Requirement

Course Structure

Students Testimonials

Great info that was clear and concise. It will surely help me improve my career prospects!
"Rahul Sharma "
Each section describes a guide on how to write an ultimate resume. I recommend the Xamnation learners to try this especially if you need to broaden your knowledge and new beginners.
"Shruti "
Detailed and useful course. Recommended

yes this course was a good match for me because i actually learned things i had no clue about which will help me later and to also teach others.
"Vivek Mehta"


Our CV writing course come under student-pack subscription. You will get 1 month of dedicated mentor support in cv building.

 Our mentors are IIT IIM graduates, who are working in leading companies in senior roles. They themselves hires and screen hundred of CVs every month. You will be trained by best mentor in this course.

You will need a good internet connection, microsoft word and any pdf reader. Our mentors will be checking and verifying documents regarding your experience and achievement. You need to be ready with those.

We will be communicating in English language

 Please contact our team at for more information on custom package.

Once you enroll, we will be creating and sharing a customise schedule to you. It will be 1 month long schedule. You may ask us for 2 weeks schedule too.