In RBI Grade B Economic and Social issues paper one thing which must be kept into mind is that this paper is not just about economics but also about Social Issues. So we need to go up to an optimum level (neither too shallow nor two deep. The structure of this article is as follow:
1) Analysis of ESI paper of Phase II
2) Major insights which can be drawn from the analysis
3) Segregation of RBI grade b syllabus on basis of topic. This will help in chalking out of study plan.
Study plan which should be followed
RBI Grade B exam pattern
RBI Grade b recruitment 2017 process consists of three phases.
Read More: Preparation tips for RBI Grade B- Phase 1
There is usually 15 days window between Phase 1 and Phase 2 exam. So exam preparation for Phase 1 and Phase 2 exam should be done simultaneously. Initially, major focus should be on Phase 2 and then the focus should shift to Phase 1 prior to 2-month of Phase 1 Examination.
RBI grade B Exam Pattern for Phase-II Paper is as under.
RBI Grade b Economic and Social Issue paper pattern
The segregation of questions on basis of marks per question can be done as under:
For 2-marker questions, passages were provided, which helped in setting the perspective for the questions and then questions were asked related to that. It should not be considered the answers are hidden in the passage. A passage is there just to set the perspective. List of questions can be found at the end of the article.
Segregation can be done in two ways
1) On the basis of Topics (as per given by RBI notification)
- Growth and Development
- Economic Reforms in India
- Globalization
- Social & Political
- Misc
2) On the basis of nature of the question
- Theory-based Question (My “Guru” calls it static part) e.g.: relative poverty meaning, Fiscal policy meaning etc.
- Statistical Data (stat): g. GDP growth number, CSO data on National income etc.
- Current: Budget/Economic survey based, recent laws/bills, schemes etc.
RBI Grade B ESI exam classification based on topics
Classification on basis of topics can be done as under:
Further Classification of each category is done as under.

Pattern based on the nature of questions
All the questions can be broadly divided into following heads
As represented above the Current is having the highest weight age. But one thing should be mentioned here without understanding theory it will be difficult to consume the Current. So Theory is also important. In fact, both should go in hand in hand.
Further many statistics and Current questions are some way or other is related to Economic Survey or Budget. For example, there were 5 questions on Skill Development for Tribal Youth of 2 marks each, i.e. total of 10 marks. And this scheme is mentioned in Budget of the year 2016-17. Of course, that may not be mentioned in detail but at least it gives you what to research for or look for. Similarly, Ease of doing business Rank (which was asked in the exam) mentioned in the Economic Survey of last year.
The source of questions can be segregated as represented under:
Role of Economy Survey & Budget is being emphasized by the above table. Further, reference of some questions from other categories can be found in Economic survey or budget. For example, a question related to GDP growth and per capita income, which is categorized under CSO, are having an indirect reference in Economic Survey (ES). These are mentioned in an economic survey but CSO comes up with modified data against the mentioned data in ES. Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) mentioned in economic Survey, its salient features are mentioned. But all features are not mentioned there so need to look at FTP.
To summarize, Economic Survey & Budget is necessary to cover. One thing which should be mentioned, just reading the ES&B is not enough, you have to understand ES&B, it is very interesting part of your preparation but it is also one of the most laborious tasks but enjoyable. Further understanding ES&B will not only help in Phase II but in Phase I as well and Interview.
Also, the theory for ESI paper should be studied in coherence with ES&B. Only then it will be interesting, otherwise reading the ES or budget will become a cumbersome project. There were totally 47 questions on basis of current events. Out of them 9 questions of total 15 marks were on basis of schemes. And 7 out f 9 are mentioned in ES&B. Some questions were from PIB website.
How to study for RBI Grade B Economic and Social Issues (ESI)
As mentioned in RBI notification whole of ESI can be segregated into following head
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