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English – Unseen passage for Class 10 | Reading Comprehension exercises

Unseen passage or reading comprehension passage is an important element of class 10 English syllabus. We have atleast 1-2 questions in every English exam with unseen passage for class 10. This covers important aspect of reading and writing portion of English language. As you are reading new comprehension passage for the first time, it test your skill as a reader, your vocabulary, and your writing skills. And once you are solving questions from the unseen passage, your writing skills are checked thoroughly.

Students need to do rigorous practice of unseen passage for class 10 exams. They need to solve unseen passage having descriptive questions or mcq questions before going to their exams.

In this article, we have shared some practice unseen passage for class 10 exam. Students can attempt these reading comprehension passages and check their preparedness for the exam.

See also: MCQ test for unseen passage for Class 10

Unseen passage for class 10

Students can find the unseen passage for class 10 for practice. Please read the passage carefully, and solve the questions.  You are also advised to keep a timer while solving such reading comprehension questions.

Unseen passage 1 – Source: Indian Express

Launched in July 2021, the Revamped Distribution Sector Reform Scheme (RDSS) is the latest of many central government grant-based programmes towards electricity distribution network investments. Others include urban loss reduction schemes such as the Accelerated Power Development Programme and rural connections and network expansion focused schemes such as SAUBHAGYA. These have played a significant role in increasing access and improving performance.

RDSS’s outlay of Rs 3 lakh crore for five years can enable financially-strained electricity distribution companies to get similar support. Half of the outlay is for better feeder and transformer metering and pre-paid smart consumer metering. The remaining half, 60 per cent of which will be funded by central government grants, will be spent on power loss reduction and strengthening networks. But RDSS has inherited several design issues from its predecessors. These include complex processes and conditions for fund disbursal. Only 60 per cent of the total Rs 2.5 lakh crore grants allocated in past schemes were disbursed. Lack of public review and regulatory oversight in states is another issue. The prescriptive approach of the scheme design impedes effective implementation. For example, RDSS emphasizes loss reduction investments over system strengthening. However, high losses are typically connected to sustained poor quality service which, in turn, is affected by inadequate investment in system strengthening. RDSS stipulates universal pre-paid metering but post-paid options may be suitable in many contexts. Similarly suggested measures in RDSS such as privatization and franchisee adoption should be critically examined.

  • Question 1: What is RDSS about?
  • Question 2: How will RDSS benefits power distribution companies?
  • Question 3: Which other schemes are there for power loss reduction?

Unseen passage 2 – Source: Deccan Herald

One of the few comprehensive surveys of government Urdu schools was done by Akshara Foundation over a decade ago. The survey has brought out starkly the economic background of the children who attend such schools. Out of the 32,823 children enrolled in Urdu schools in Bengaluru at the time of the survey, 45% lived in asbestos sheet-covered houses, 36% in kuchha structures, 14% in concrete structures, and 5% in huts. About 70% had an average family size of 4-6 members, 44% of households reported casual labour as the occupation of the breadwinner, 28% did not have any ration card — the majority of the remaining had yellow (BPL) ration cards. Not much would have changed between the time of the survey and now. If at all, things are likely to have worsened.

Thus, the kids who attend the school which I visit are from the lowest strata of society. Children of domestic maids, vegetable vendors, autorickshaw drivers. They attend school for the mid-day meal as also for the very many subjects they are taught — Urdu, Kannada, English, Math and Social Studies. They are lovely kids — innocent, enthusiastic, playful, eager, and some are bright. Very many of them are girls.

Cloth for stitching two pairs of uniforms is given by the government. Blue salwar and blue checked top for the girls and blue shorts and blue checked shirt for the boys. Very few can, however, afford to get the uniforms stitched. The cloth remains unstitched. Very few children consequently attend school in uniform.

  • Question 1: Which organization did survey on Urdu schools?
  • Question 2: What are the key takeaways from Urdu schools survey?
  • Question 3: How is govt encouraging students to attend Urdu schools?

Unseen passage 3 – Source: The Week

Two major proposals have emerged during years of international discussions about ways to reduce single use plastic.

The first, by Peru and Rwanda, calls for a full spectrum approach to plastic pollution, covering raw materials extraction, plastic production, as well as plastic use and disposal. It urges creation of “an international legally binding agreement to prevent and reduce plastic pollution in the environment, including micro plastics.”

The proposal is co-sponsored by Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guinea, Kenya, Madagascar, Norway, the Philippines, Senegal, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Uganda along with the European Union.

A second proposal, sponsored by Japan, calls for an international agreement “to address marine plastic pollution covering the whole life cycle and promoting resource efficiency and circular economy,” including reuse.

The key difference is that Japan’s approach concentrates on marine plastic pollution, while the Peru-Rwanda proposal covers plastic pollution in all environments.

Both proposals envision establishment of a negotiating committee to complete the new plastic treaty by 2024.

  • Question 1: What is full spectrum approach to plastic pollution by Peru and Rwanda?
  • Question 2: How is Japan’s approach different from Peru-Rwanda approach for tackling plastic pollution?


In this article, we have shared practice unseen passage for class 10 exams and tests. Student from other classes or those who are preparing for competitive exams can use these passages for practice too (like reading comprehension for IELTS or CAT). In case you want to match your answers for these unseen passage questions, you can mail your answer to us.

In case you are struggling to solve unseen passage questions, you can check how to solve unseen passage article.

You can also contact Xamnation support team for help regarding English unseen passage questions for Class 10 exams. We have experienced English teachers, who will guide you properly, and make you proficient in these types of questions.  You can mail to or fill in our contact form, and our counselors will reach you.

Check also: Online coaching for Class 10 English

1 thought on “English – Unseen passage for Class 10 | Reading Comprehension exercises”

  1. Pingback: MCQ Test for Unseen passage for Grade 10 English | Xamnation

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