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Economics Paper Analysis-NTA NET 2018

UGC NET Exam is the basic eligibility criteria for entering in the education industry and it acts as a minimum qualification for Assistant Professorship. Also, the creamy layer gets to avail the benefit of Junior Research Fellow (JRF). This exam was conducted by from 18th December 2018 till 22nd December 2018 by NTA (National Testing Agency) in online mode for various subjects. Basic structure of the paper NTA UGC NET 2018 Session Number of Questions Marks Time Duration Paper 1 50 100 1 Hour Paper 2 100 200 2 Hour Total 150 300 3 Hours Paper 1 is the same for all the subjects. Paper 2 is a subject-specific paper. In this Article, Economic Paper is analyzed. Economic Paper Analysis For Economics the pattern was quite similar as in the previous exams. Below graph gives the basic structure for Paper 2. It gives a detailed structure of weightage of different subjects in the paper. C++ got the OOP features from Simula67 Programming language. See detailed list of interview questions on pointers. Important Topics Category Average Number of Questions Asked Important Topics Difficulty Level Macroeconomics 17 IS-LM, Multiplier, Cobb Douglas production function, Keynesian model, monetarism and Moderate Growth and Development 17 Theories of shumpeter, Technological dualism, balanced Growth, harrod model Moderate to difficult Indian Economy  12 Policies and Committees, Nobel Prize winners and their topics, Union Budget and share of deficit, India’s export pattern and structure, GST, SRS bulletin highlights, Minimum Support Price, National Rural Health Mission Moderate Public Finance 11 Musgrave theory, Peacock Wiseman hypothesis, public expenditure, progressive tax. Easy to moderate Money and Banking  10 Elasticity of demand for money, money multiplier, measures of money, repo rate, Moderate Statistics and Econometrics 10 Regression, autocorrelation, simultaneous equation, stationary, time series, index numbers, dummy variables Moderate to difficult Microeconomics  10 Cost, Production, law of variable proportions, Pareto optimality, opportunity costs Moderate International Trade  8 Trade openness, devaluation, competitive advantage, Balance of payments, Round Tripping Easy to Moderate Agriculture 4 Insurance, crop patterns, production Easy Probability 1 Probability Easy Indian Economy Indian Economics is the most dynamic part of the paper, the major question is asked related to the following reports/topics: Policies and Committees Nobel Prize winners and their topics Union Budget and share of deficit India’s export pattern and structure GST SRS bulletin highlights Major takeaways from this paper for future NET aspirants The practice of Empirical questions for Microeconomics related to Pareto optimality. Early preparation of statistics and Econometrics. Major focus on growth theories of Development as almost majority of questions are from that domain. Reading of recent issues of SRS Bulletin and budget Awareness of recent policies and committees related to GST, National Rural Health Mission, and other Indian economic issues is important. Read More: Paper Analysis of NTA NET 2018 Exam Conclusion The overall difficulty level of the question was moderate this year. The general pattern observed in this paper was that a lot of questions were quite direct and the level was easy to moderate especially for topics related to Indian Economy and Agriculture. Questions related to microeconomics and Pareto optimality had few questions which were indirect and empirical in nature. The general trend of questions in statistics and econometrics call for early preparation for this subject.

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Paper Analysis of NTA NET 2018 Exam

This year UGC NET Exam was conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) from 18th December 2018 till 22nd December 2018.  The mode of examination was online for various subjects at selected Examination Centers across the country for the post of Assistant Professor and Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) or Assistant Professor only. Below is the basic structure of the paper: NTA UGC NET 2018 Session No.of Questions Marks Time Duration Paper1 50 100 1 Hour Paper 2 100 200 2 Hour Total 150 300 3 Hours Paper 1 is the same for all the subjects. The domain of subjects for Paper 1 consists of questions from Teaching Aptitude, General Knowledge, Research Aptitude and Other general topics. The table below lists the broad topics of Paper 1 along with their difficulty level. Category/ Average Number of Questions Asked Important Topics Difficulty Level Teaching Aptitude (12-14) Teaching Methods, Teaching: Nature, objectives, characteristics and basic requirements Moderate to Difficult Research Aptitude (7-9) Research: Meaning, characteristics and types; Steps of research Methods of research; Research Paper Writing and Methods Difficult Reading Comprehension 4-5 (1 set) Short Passage Easy to Moderate Communication 3-4 Communication Nature, characteristics, types, barriers and effective classroom communication Easy to Moderate Maths 5-6 Time & Work; Time, Speed & Distance; Boats and Streams, Average, Probability; Geometry and Mensuration Easy to Moderate Logical Reasoning 7-8 Blood Relationship, Syllogism, Number Series, Coding Decoding,Direction Test, Alphabet Series Easy Data Interpretation 4-5 (1 set) Table Chart involving the concepts of Percentage and Average Easy to Moderate Information & Communication Technology (ICT)/ Computer Knowledge 3-4 LAN, WAN, Bluetooth, ROM RAM, Full Forms, Primary & Secondary Storage, World Wide Web, Internet, Decimal to Binary, TB/GB/MB Moderate People & Environment 1-2 Ozone Layer, Conservation of Energy, Fuel Efficiency, Agriculture, Sustainable Development, Carbon Emission Moderate Current Affairs 3-4 NITI AYOG: Backward Districts List, Parameters; Swatch Bharat, Govt. Schemes and Yojanas like Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana, National and International Appointments Easy to Moderate Total Questions 50 Questions of 2 Marks each Easy to Difficult This can actually help the future aspirants to plan their strategy for their upcoming Exams. One of the important keys for increasing the score of NET Exam is to score well in Paper 1 and this could be easily done if an individual does a thorough study of the past patterns.

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Top 8 Career Options for UGC NET Computer Science Qualified

Top 8 Career Options for UGC NET Computer Science Qualified

UGC NET Exam is taken by candidates aspiring for a career in lectureship and professorship around the country. UGC NET Qualified candidate can apply for the post of Assistant professor or Junior research fellow (JRF). The post of professorship which can be achieved by NET Qualified candidates after several promotions are one of the most respectful jobs in the country. Although UGC NET provides great opportunities for a career in lectureship there are several aspirants who want to go into different career fields after qualifying NET. Below we are discussing all the career opportunities that a NET qualified candidate from computer science can opt for.   1. Career as an Assistant Professor UGC NET Qualified candidates can apply for the post of assistant professor at various government and private universities and colleges across India. They can apply at various state universities, central universities or even private institutions. Some of the popular universities where you can apply are: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT’s, NIT’s & IIIT’s) Delhi Technical University (DTU) Lovely Professional University IIIT- Hyderabad Punjab Engineering college Manipal Institute of technology LNM Institute of Information technology   2. Work as JRF Those candidates who dream of a career in the field of research and sciences they can choose to apply as JRF in several Indian universities. Candidates need to qualify UGC NET JRF for being able to apply as NET JRF. JRF Qualified candidates after completing their Ph.D. may go for further in research by opening their own lab and getting the required amount of funding. They need to work on a research topic that interests and attracts investors. Working in software companies/MNC’s: Net Qualified candidates can look for job offers into various software MNC’s like TCS, Wipro, Accenture, etc. They can also work in startups and IT industries. Computer science net qualified candidates to have a lot of scope in the fields of Software testing and debugging. You can work as a part of a development project or may lead the project. You can choose your field of the job according to your interests such as design team or development team in a software project.   3. Work in Research & Development Sector in top-notch IT companies You can also get a job in the Research & Development Sector in top-notch IT companies, where your experience and aptitude in research would be greatly required. You can either opt for Operational Research studies or Consultancy for system analysis. See also: Online coaching for UGC NET   4. Work in Government Research Institutes NET Qualified CS candidates can also work in government-sanctioned institutes such as CSIR/DRDO. As computer science plays an important role in today’s research and development field a greater number of opportunities are developing for Computer science candidates. Centre for Artificial Intelligence & Robotics (CAIR) Defense Avionics Research Establishment (DARE) Institute for Systems Studies & Analyses (ISSA) ANURAG (ADVANCED NUMERICAL RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS GROUP) Although all CSIR Labs require some level of Computer science research work, these are some labs specialized in the field. You can go into one of these according to your field of interest. Cryptography, E-Mail tracking systems, communications tracking, Data Privacy, Managing Big Data are some of the fields which are currently very popular in the field of research.   5. Career opportunities in Banking Sector Several Public Sector banks and other banking institutions such as State Bank of India, Punjab National Bank, etc.  holds a common exam Institute of Banking Personnel Selection for selecting candidates for specialized positions such as IT Officer Scale 1, IT Officer scale 2. NET Qualified Candidates can take IT Officer Scale 2 exam and easily qualify for jobs in the field. You can also apply in the private banking sector as database manager or analyst.   6. Work as an Editor/Author Candidates who had done UGC NET Preparation would surely be able to edit or author books related to their field of study. Several publishing houses look for NET Qualified candidates for editing purpose. You can even prepare exam pattern books for UGC NET Preparation or several other graduation level exams in computer science.   7. Be a Mentor/Guide Another great opportunity for people who want to go in the field of teaching is through being a coaching guide. You can join any private institution for guiding UGC NET students. You can either prepare them for paper 1 or either for computer science paper 2. If you aren’t planning to join any pre-established institute, you can open one yourself (Certainly if you want to go into the field of business and teaching).   Another option is open up an online coaching institute providing full course material along with a YouTube channel. Because of ease of learning and better internet connection, these options are preferred by aspirants.   8. Work in PSU’s These days PSU’s have opened gates for NET candidates for jobs in the various sector. Although there are several sectors where NET qualified can work such as Management, Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, etc. but the best for Computer Science candidates is Research and Development. Working as an executive in PSU is a great way to develop a career, from research and development they may land into some major government projects where Computer Science Qualified candidates are required.   How to explore career opportunity after qualifying UGC NET Another new in the list is UGC NET Job portal which is used of hundreds of employers for hiring purpose. Several governments and private institutions have profiles and job openings listed on it. Candidates can create their personal profile and apply for related jobs. The employer will accept them on the basis of their academic record and NET results. In total, there are several job opportunities for UGC NET Qualified candidates in Computer science even if they don’t want to join as an assistant professor or JRF. With the advancement of technology day by day and growth of the IT industry, the need for Computer Science stream candidates is increasing. If you have

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UGC NET Computer Science

UGC NET is the national level exam conducted by NTA every year for the recruitment process of Lecturers/ Professors/ Research Associates/ Junior Research Fellow at prestigious Indian Colleges or Universities. UGC NET Computer Science Eligibility Criteria The Eligibility Criteria for any exam mainly depends on two factors, Education Qualification and Age Limit. Apart from that for a candidate to be eligible for a particular subject in UGC NET he/she must have completed their post-graduation in the same or related subject. Read More: Eligibility criteria for UGC NET exam For choosing computer science as a subject in UGC NET candidates should have completed masters from either of the following Master of technology (MTech Computer Science) Master of computer applications (MCA) Master of Science (Computer Science/ Information technology) Candidates from different field who haven’t studied computer science as a subject in their masters cannot opt for this subject. Students having a Bachelor of technology degree( in Computer Science/Information technology cannot opt for this exam since the highest level of degree required is master’s. Undergraduate students must complete their master’s first with the required percentage and then apply for UGC NET. Diploma holders from computer technology, computer science also cannot apply for UGC NET since it is must for a candidate to complete master’s for this exam. Career prospects after Qualifying UGC NET in computer Science It is known that NTA UGC NET is an exam with various career prospects. One can get lifetime opportunities after clearing UGC NET Exam. With the advancement of technology in every field computer have become a sole operational source. Thus, the need of engineers, graduates, Ph.D. scholars and master’s in computer science candidates are in great demand. Apart from working as JRF or assistant professor several other options are available for computer science students. Work in software companies: A NET Qualified candidate would have a better placement and career opportunities in software companies at various posts. Project Manager in MNC’s: NET Qualified candidates would have better opportunities in MNC’s as project manager. Because of being qualified for the post of assistant professor/lectureship they are considered to be better project leaders. Jobs in CSIR/DRDO: Candidates who have qualified NET-JRF can take admission into various government scientific research organizations for making a career in the field of research. MNC’s: Various MNC’s are hiring JRF qualified candidates for research investigation in certain field. Work in PSU’s: Public Sector undertakings had recently opened their gates for NET Qualified candidates. Computer science students can go for post of executive in the Research and Development (R&D) Sector of the same. Authorship and Guide: Candidates can always become an author in the field of their specialization. They can also join private coaching centers and guide NET aspirants for computer science.  UGC NET Computer Science Syllabus and Updated Paper Pattern To start the journey of UGC NET Exam, one must have adequate knowledge about the UGC NET Syllabus for Computer Science & Application so that you can make smart study plan. Topics Covered in Computer science with Weightage over the past few years Topic Syllabus Books Discrete Structures Sets, relations, Probability theory, Graph theory, Group theory Discrete Mathematics by Lipschutz Seymour Microprocessor Combinational circuit design, Microprocessor architecture (8085) Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with the 8085 – Ramesh S. Gaonkar Digital logic Propositional logic, Logic families, Representations of Integers Digital Logic and Computer Design – M. Morris Mano Database management System Database concepts, Design of relational database, Database Security, object-oriented database management, relational database Design and SQL Fundamentals of Database Systems – Elmasari, Navathe Theory of computation Computability models, Finite automata, Grammars, Languages, Turing machine. Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation by John E. Hopcroft and Ullman Compiler Design Loading, linking, Compilation and interpretation, Top down parsers Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools – Aho, Lam, Sethi and Ullman Data Structure Data Structure and file structure, Linear Programming Data structure – Seymour Lipschutz Design and analysis of Algorithms (DAA) Dynamic programming, Sorting techniques, NP-hard & NP-complete problems, Greedy approach Introduction to Algorithms – Author Thomas H. Cormen Programming language Programming in C and C++, Object oriented programming concepts, HTML, XML, JAVA. Let us C, OOPS using C++ – E. Balagurusamy Artificial Intelligence AI Approach towards problem solving, Knowledge representation, Systems approach to planning Artificial Intelligence – Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight Computer Graphics Image processing, Data compression techniques, Introduction to Computer Graphics -Hearn and Baker Computer Network Network fundamentals, Data communication, Internetworking, Routing, Network Security Data communications and networking / Behrouz A. Forouzan Operating System Unix System, Memory management, Scheduling, Main functions of operating System, Distributed OS, Operating System Concepts – Galvin and Silberschatz Unix-Concepts and Applications -M. J. Back, S. Das Software Engineering System development life cycle, Software Metrics, Software Design, Coding and testing, software maintenance and concepts. Software Engineering A Practitioner’s Approach – Roger S. Pressman Data mining Neural network, Fuzzy systems, Data warehousing Data Mining Concepts and techniques by Jiawei Han Download Complete Syllabus here. Do you know concept of probability and permutation and combination are used in most of interview puzzles. Check puzzle questions with answers for interview in our course. Preparation tips for UGC NET Computer Science & Application As UGC NET Exam is led for the choice of the splendid possibility for JRF and Assistant Professor, it needs extraordinary devotion with the ideal blend of diligent work and fixation. On the off chance that you truly need to break the Exam, begin getting ready for it as quickly as time permits. Analyze syllabus and paper pattern: The first and most important step while preparing for any exam is analyzing paper pattern. Download previous year question papers and analyze that which topic has maximum number of questions, which has the least. We have already provided topic analyses of previous few years. Now coming on to books: As we know that one books isn’t sufficient for UGC NET and you need to study all of the books that you studied during your masters. The syllabus of computer science is very wide

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UGC NET Management – Syllabus, eligibility criteria, books, study material, job opportunities and preparation strategy

UGC NET Management given an edge to the students dreaming for a career in both management theory which goes into informing policies and best practices in management and Research oriented opportunities. See Also: Complete information on UGC NET exam Eligibility Criteria of UGC NET Management Candidates to be eligible for this exam must have a master’s degree (See eligibility criteria here) from the related field only. For taking management as a subject in UGC NET candidates must be from the background of MBA,, Hotel management, Master’s in economics or any other commerce related subject. 47% of the times candidate didn’t have any information about the compnay they are applying for. Are you looking for video interview practice, click here. One’s chosen subject in masters should be related to management and only then you will be able to apply for UGC NET in this subject. See Also: UGC NET detailed eligibility criteria Syllabus for UGC NET Management Managerial Economics -Demand Analysis, Market structures, Advertising, Business Environment, Cost-output relations, Infrastructure- Management and Policy, National Income Concepts. Organizational behavior Skills and role in organization, Understanding and managing group behavior, Processes, communication, managing conflicts. Human resource Management Human resource planning, objectives, process and techniques, exit policy and implications, Industrial relations and trade unions, wage determination. Financial management Nature and scope, valuation concepts, capital structure, dividend policies, Long term and short-term financing instruments. Marketing Marketing environment, environment scanning, Product life cycle, Pricing methods and strategies, promotion decision, uses of internet as a marketing management. Production management Role and scope of production management, Role and scope of operations research, linear programming, Markov analysis. Statistics and probability Probability theory, probability distributions, Test of hypothesis, Use of computers in managerial applications. Strategic management Components of strategy formation, strategies in industry revolution, globalization of financial systems. Motivation and entrepreneurship  Innovation and entrepreneurship, small business concepts, managing small enterprise. Business Ethics Ethical issues and analysis in management, environmental ethics, social responsibilities of business. International trade India’s foreign trade and policy, International marketing logistics, International financial environment, WTO and trade agreements.   See also: Preparation tips for UGC NET Paper 1 Career opportunities after clearing UGC NET in management Business Lectureship: Candidates who had qualified UGC NET can go for the post of assistant professor in various colleges and universities. Management qualified candidates can work in the field of business studies and management both. Management consultant: UGC NET qualified candidates can work as management consultant and work towards providing business solutions for the growth of company. Policy analyst: Work of policy analyst is to analyze data and manage business policies. Change manager: Work of change manager is to facilitate changes that improve business policies. Work in Public sector Undertakings (PSU’s): From last year onwards, PSU’s had opened their gates for UGC Net qualified candidates. One can work as an executive in HR (Human resources), Management, finance, etc. other related fields. D. Scholar: Candidates can work in universities as a Ph.D. scholar in top level universities and institutions such as IIM’s, IIT’s, central universities, state universities. Go ahead with research work: Candidates can carry ahead their research work and attract funds to set their own laboratory and assistants. Author: NET qualified candidates can work as an author in their field and write course books as well as UGC preparation books. Guide students for NET: Alternatively, one can teach in private coaching institutes and guide students for NET preparation in management. See also: Career opportunities after clearing UGC NET Books and Preparation strategy for UGC NET management For preparing any exam one should be determined and make strategic plans. One should focus on ways in which they are comfortable rather than following topper’s strategy or plan. The management paper of UGC NET is typically theoretical. Most of the questions asked in this paper are theory based and very few numerical based questions. First of all, although UGC had prescribed syllabus of each subject, it’s not enough for preparing. Several portions are such vast and cover large number of topics. It’s best to analyze the previous year papers and make a list of topics from which questions had been asked frequently. Last year papers are easily available on CBSE/UGC Website and candidates should download them. Once you have analyzed the syllabus and now know what are the most important topics you can proceed further. Now make a study plan or schedule and follow it rigorously. Start your studies by studying each topic mentioned in the syllabus and the syllabus analyzed by you from your post-graduation and graduation books. Don’t be just dependent on UGC NET books. They have very brief notes which are only useful at the time of revision. Try downloading PDF files or renting books from library in order to reduce expenditure. Important topics and books for UGC NET management Managerial Economics: Demand analysis, Production function, Market structures, Macro-economics, National income, Capital Budgeting are the important topics in this section and most of the questions asked are from these topics. Books: Managerial Economics by H L Ahuja, managerial economics by T R Jain Organizational structure: Neo classical, Modern theories, organizational design, communication, learning & motivation are some important topics of this topic. Books: Stephan P Robbins Human resources management (HRM): This is one of the most important topics. Recruitment and selection, Performance and appraisal, training and development, grievance management, Trade Union, Employee participation are very important sections and must be read thoroughly. Books: Human resources management by Gary Dessler, HRM by B J Lathi. Financial management: Valuation of concepts, Risk and return, pricing theory & model, capital budgeting, capital structure, Dividend policies, Inventory management, Corporate risk management should be studied properly. Books: Financial management by M Y Khan, P K Jain Marketing management: We can all it the lengthiest and most important topic of UGC NET management syllabus. Everything in this particular topic is important. A lot of questions had been framed over the past years from the same topic. Book: Marketing management by Philip Kotler Production management and operational

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How Online Coaching Will Help You in UGC NET

UGC NET is an exam conducted twice a year on behalf of University grants commission. This exam is conducted to check a candidate’s credibility as a lecturer and knowledge about a particular subject.   With a limited number of seats and high competition, UGC NET is one of the toughest exams in the country. To get ample success in the exam you need work differently than other competitors.   UGC NET Exam consists of two objective papers. Paper 1 is common to all and is mainly focused on a candidates’ teaching and research aptitude. The syllabus is limited but one must practice diverse questions on teaching and research aptitude.   UGC NET Paper 2 is designed in such a way that it tests a candidate’s knowledge of a particular subject in an extensive manner. Because of the vast syllabus of this paper, most of the times it is tough for students to cover each topic. Furthermore, the syllabus given by UGC is extensive i.e. only the outline of a particular topic is given thus sometimes candidates waste their time on reading irrelevant topics.   Also, just like that sometimes candidates miss out important topics that are not exactly prescribed in the syllabus. It is said that self-study is the best study but you know what’s even better? Self-study with UGC NET online course.   There are many benefits of joining an online course and not only for UGC NET but for any competitive exam. UGC NET online coaching can be most helpful in paper 2 preparation.   While preparing for paper 2 of UGC NET a candidate needs to go through all the textbooks from their graduate and post graduate course. By doing so one may end up with a pile of 20-25 books. Most probably candidate will get confused from where to start studying and what to study because of the vast syllabus. Benefits of joining Online course for UGC NET Compiled Theory Notes: “Smart Work is more necessary than Hard work”.   Suppose you are spending like 10-12 hours on study reading hard but another person studying only 5-6 hours clears the NET Exam and you can’t. Obviously, you might have better knowledge but to clear and score in any exam you need to study according to the questions asked in the paper.   In our online course we would be providing compiled notes made from top educators and IIT/IIM Qualified faculty. Compiled theory notes of all the topics Video lectures/ classes Previous year solved papers Practice questions for all the topics Test series including Unit tests Mock tests Discussions and forums   Advantages of having theory notes Now while self-study you might not know what topic is important and what is less important, which topic you need to study in detail, etc. These are the common problems that a student faces while self-study. By having a compiled note, you need not worry about it.   UGC NET is one of the toughest exams with a high competition. This year around 11 lakhs students are going to take this exam. To stand out in the crowd you need to utilize your time effectively. Instead of wasting your time on making notes of each topic from the book go through each topic from the provided theory and make summarized notes for revision later on. You can always refer to books for topics that you feel are more important and tougher.   Video Lectures/Classes For UGC NET preparation one needs to study lots of standardized or people may commonly call “scholarly” books. Online course students need not to waste their time in searching for them too.   All the important topics that are not described in syllabus are explained in these video sessions. High qualified teachers with sole experience in the same field will be providing video lectures.   Previous Year solved papers UGC aspirants already know the importance of previous year solved papers. Often people try downloading previous year papers but in some cases such as less popular subjects of humanities and language candidates find it difficult to arrange for previous year papers.   For any NET aspirant, it is must go through previous year papers at least twice with in-depth analysis.   Practice tests When you are done studying everything from the theory notes, video lectures and previous year papers, practice is all you need. You need to practice problems which could be expected in the paper. The question pattern should be similar. Our scholarly books do not contain MCQ problems so where to find them?   With online program you would be getting unit tests comprising of MCQ’s which could be expected in the paper. These Questions have been framed by Experienced teachers, analysts and researchers.   Test Series and Mock Tests For a candidate to know how well he/she is prepared for the exam, they must join a test series. Test series are must for every competitive exam. Students can evaluate themselves and work on their weak points by analyzing their results.   Mock tests help students get familiar with the exam environment making them confident before the exam. Candidates develop skills like time management and paper attempting strategies during Mock tests.   Discussion and Forums Another important factor of online classes, a candidate may discuss their doubts and queries with fellow candidates. In discussion forums there is always something new that a candidate learns.   Students having any doubt would get live solution and support from teachers.   Few more advantages of Online Classes Study with the ease of your home: Most of the competitive exams are taken by graduate students who are already working. Now along with a job it is highly unlikely for a candidate to join some offline course and attend it daily. By choosing online classes one can learn at the ease of home. Learn anytime anywhere: With online courses you don’t need to get to your scheduled time and study. One can learn anytime they get free time whether

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How Can You Prepare UGC NET on Your Own

UGC NET is a national level exam conducted by NTA twice a year to select deserving candidates for the post of assistant professor and Junior research fellow or both assistant professor and JRF. IF you wish to clear this exam with NET-JRF hard work and dedication is must. As we already know that UGC NET is an exam which is made to test a candidate’s teaching and research skills along with their knowledge into the subject of their specialization. Since this paper tests in depth analysis of a person’s knowledge the syllabus for the paper 2 (Subject paper) of UGC NET is quite vast. To be successful in this exam it is must to plan a strategy and work accordingly. The syllabus is vast and so it’s better to give in as much time as you can. UGC NET preparation strategy Building up the strategy So, the first thing an aspirant need to do is to develop a strategy plan for preparation. Now the question is how should you make your study schedule? Well, first of all make a time table and schedule your daily activities. Give 5-6 hours daily (I am assuming you have 5-6 months for preparation here). Once you have maintained a schedule you need to follow it daily. Getting familiar with the exam A candidate must know the paper pattern and syllabus. Download the updated syllabus and paper pattern and go through it carefully. Now while going thorough the previous year papers to know about paper pattern don’t forget to note down which topics have maximum questions and how frequently they occur. Once you have got the basic idea of paper pattern and syllabus you need to allot time for each subject. Schedule limited time for each subject and try completing the subject within given deadline. Now that you know the syllabus, it’s better to work on the tougher subjects first and leave the easy ones for later. Allot about a week or so and try completing that topic in the given timeframe. Paper 1: Paper 1 of UGC NET contains 50 compulsory questions. The paper will consist of 10 different topics having equal number of questions i.e. 5 questions in the question paper. It is highly advised to candidates to prepare for this paper thoroughly so that overall score increases. It’s easier to score as it is a common paper to all. Have a look at detailed analysis and preparation tips for UGC NET Paper 1. Break down the syllabus by allotting separate time frame to each section. In paper 1 teaching and research aptitude are the hardest and most important part as these are for testing the sole purpose of the post of lecturer and research fellow. Candidates can go through guide books of Trueman and Arihant for UGC NET Paper 1. After studying the contents from these two books candidates should move on to detailed analysis of questions. Solve 10-12 previous year question papers and study in detail about each question asked. Note: Studying each question of previous paper is must as the syllabus of the paper remains the same only the angle of questions changed thus one must know all the aspects of a particular topic. Once you have completed these things you should start studying for paper 2. Paper 2: Paper 2 Of UGC NET consists of 100 questions carrying 2 marks each. The question paper is objective in nature. Preparing for paper 2 is a tricky part as the syllabus is vast irrespective of the subject. It basically contains all those topics that a candidate studies in their UG and Master’s course. The first step again should be analyzing the question paper. Make detailed notes of topics that are important from previous papers and topics that seem to be the hardest. Once it’s sorted out again allot each topic a particular duration of time. It is well known that not one book could be sufficient for UGC NET therefore candidates need to study all the books that they studied during their masters. Here, a candidate should note that since they have to read a whole lot of books, they must know to plan their study smartly. Do selective study of only the relevant topics, topics that had been previously asked in the paper and mentioned in the syllabus. Don’t forget to make your own summarized notes of each topic so that it’s easier to revise. Once you are done with the text books move forward to previous year papers and study them carefully. Note: Remember don’t go for scholarly books with tough language. It’s better to choose the book that you studied during your graduation years with easier tone of language. The next step should be solving questions, for this take help from guide books of your particular subject for UGC NET available in the market. Solve questionnaire present at the back of each chapter. It is must for you to do it. Time for revision If you have been following this strategy you must have completed your syllabus for both papers. For grasping of knowledge revision is must. Revise from your hand made notes each section carefully. Solve again the previous year papers and read about the related topic. Practicing and testing Practice makes a man perfect. Indeed, it is true, your success and failure in this exam depends on the amount of time you spent on practicing questions. Go for question banks, sample papers first. Furthermore, take online mock tests provided by various coaching institutes. Also, a candidate may take mock tests provided by NTA at various test centers. Analyzing your test results is must as it helps in determining your weak points and also working on your time management skills during the paper. Make sure to make a pattern to follow during paper solving taking into consideration your strongest and weakest points. Before the exam After months of preparation the finale day is here. It is a crucial time as you need to maintain your calm

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UGC NET Commerce – Preparation tips, best books, syllabus, career opportunities

If you have a post graduation degree in commerce and want to pursue career in the field of teaching/lectureship or research then you must take UGC NET Exam. NTA’s UGC NET Exam is conducted twice a year each year for all those aspiring for the post of Assistant professor or JRF or both Assistant professor and JRF (Junior Research Fellow). UGC NET Commerce preparation tips Usually candidates choose the same subject for this exam from which they have completed their post-graduation. To be eligible for UGC NET Commerce exam a candidate should have completed their masters in commerce, Finance, Business Services, Accountancy, Economics or any other related subject. Syllabus for UGC NET Commerce Business Environment Meaning and elements of business environment Economic environment, Economic Policies, Economic Planning. Legal Environment of Business in India, Competition policy, Consumer protection, Environment protection. Policy Environment Financial & Management Accounting Basic accounting concepts, Capital and revenue, Financial statements Partnership accounts: Admission, Retirement, Death, Dissolution and cash Distribution. Advanced Company Accounts: Issue, forfeiture, purchase of business. Cost and management accounting Business Economics Nature and uses of business economics, concept of profit and wealth maximization. Demand analysis and elasticity of Demand, Indifference Curve analysis, Law Business Statistics & Data processing Data types, Data collection and analysis, sampling, need, errors and methods of sampling, Normal distribution, Hypothesis testing, Analysis and Interpretation of Data. Correlation and Regression, Data processing, computer application to functional areas. Business Management Principles of management, Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Leading, Controlling, Corporate governance and business ethics. Marketing management Evolution of marketing, Concepts & Environment Consumer behavior, Product, distribution, promotion & pricing decisions. Financial management Capital structure, Financial and operating leverage. Cost of capital, budgeting Working capital management Dividend policy Human Resources Management Concepts, Role and Functions Planning, Recruitment and Selection Training and development, Compensation Performance appraisal Industrial relations in India, Health, Safety and Social security. International Business Balance of payments, International liquidity, IMF, World Bank, IFC, IDA, ADB World trade organizations Structure of India’s foreign trade Income-tax law and Tax planning Basic concepts Residential status and tax incidence, exempted incomes. Computation f taxable income of individuals Deduction of tax, filling of returns Tax planning Tax considerations, computer application in income tax and planning. Download full syllabus at UGC NET official website. BEST Books for UGC NET Commerce Paper 2 of UGC NET checks a candidate’s knowledge in a particular subject, Preferably the subject chosen by them in their post-graduation. To be able to clear off this paper with good marks a candidate needs to have sole knowledge of the chosen subject. You can’t expect to pass this paper by reading just a single paper. In order to score decent marks, you need to do selective study from all the text books that you read in your post-graduation. Important books for commerce paper of UGC NET are Human Resource Management – ASWATHAPPA, K. Financial Management – I. M. PANDEY Marketing Management- PHILIP KOTLER Business Economics- H L Ahuja Business Environment-B. N Ghosh Managerial Accounting- Hilton & Platt  Cost Accounting- M N Arora International Business- P subba Rao Financial Markets & Institutions -F. S. Mishkin & S. Eakins The Financial System in India-S.C. Das Studying so many books is not an easy task and requires a lot of effort, time and patience. If you don’t have enough time left for the exam then studying by so many books is not feasible. It’s wise to plan your study according to the amount of time have. For students with lesser time or who don’t want to go through topics from different books can go through the below prescribed books for UGC NET exam 2018 preparation UGC-NET/JRF/SLET Commerce (Paper – II) by Dr. L. N. Kohli UGC-NET/SET Commerce Guide (Paper II & III) by R. Gupta’s Trueman’s UGC NET Commerce by Dr. Parveen Kataria, Anshu Kataria, Shivani These 3 books are the most popular books for UGC NET Commerce. It is advised to practice these books and questions given in them about 2 months before the exam. These books will serve the purpose of guide books and ultimately you will know how much you need to study from each topic. Practice makes a man perfect and in order to be familiar with the paper pattern solving previous year question papers is must. CBSE-UGC-NET: Commerce Previous Papers (Solved) If you want to have a decent score in this paper then it is highly advised to go through the books that you studied during your post-graduation along with 2 of the mentioned guides. Alternatively, a candidate may opt for online courses for UGC NET Exam and get their study material and notes. This reduces the task of buying books in bulk. Online courses will provide you compiled notes for each topic from different books. Career Scope after clearing UGC NET Commerce After clearing UGC NET a candidate may have a lot of career options. UGC NET Exam is conducted to select candidates for the post of Assistant professor/JRF or both assistant professor and JRF. However, the post of a candidate depends on the merit marks scored in both the papers of UGC NET. Public Sector Undertakings (PSU’s): A candidate may take up the post of executives in management, communication, Human resources in various government Indian PSU’s. Candidates having a commerce background can go for jobs such as management trainee, HR (Human resources) executive, Executive in communication & accounting department of PSU’s. Become a Writer, Author: NET Qualified candidates can also become a writer in their field of study. Guide Students for NET Exam: A UGC NET Qualified person can work in any pre-established coaching institute and guide students for this exam. They can also set up their own academy and work in this field. Working in MNC’s: Being in the field of commerce gives and edge to students for working in MNC’s as consultants. You can find relevant jobs in your specialized field. Candidates can work as a financial analyst, corporate analyst, business consultant to get a higher profit for the organization. Work as lecturer: Along with government

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UGC NET English -Preparation tips, syllabus, books, scope and exam strategy

UGC NET English Aspirants! Those who are having a keen interest in Literature and want to pursue their career in this field should take up UGC NET Exam. UGC NET exam is held twice a year for the post of Assistant professor and JRF (Junior research fellow). So, all the candidates passionate enough to make a career in lectureship should carefully follow this post. Career Scope After Clearing UGC NET English All the NET qualified candidates can have a bright career in the field of lectureship. Those candidates who qualified NET along with JRF can get lectureship opportunities in prestigious Indian Universities. They can also go for Ph.D. program and in the field of research work. Another great opportunity for NET Qualified candidates comes in private coaching institutes. Guide students to qualify UGC NET Exam. Author/Writing: Qualified candidates can go for writing books in the field of their subject. Publishing houses commission authors for writing books. Do you know Python is the de facto language for data scientists, statisticians, machine learning experts, and web enthusiasts. Get python online coaching and learning material. Eligibility criteria for UGC NET English exam There is a general eligibility criterion that a candidate needs to fulfil before applying for UGC NET. Age limit, educational qualifications are few factors responsible for eligibility. Check out Eligibility criteria for UGC NET to know if you are eligible. Candidates are requested to opt for subject from which they have completed their master’s. Thus, MA(English) or candidates having master’s in English literature can take this exam. Since there aren’t any related subject other field students cannot take up this subject for UGC NET. Syllabus of UGC NET English Paper Chaucer to Shakespeare Jacobean to Restoration Periods Augustan age Romantic Period Victorian Period Modern Period Contemporary period American and non- British literatures Literary theory and criticism Rhetoric and prosody Apart from these there are several other units. To download full syllabus in PDF visit here. UGC NET English – Preparation tips and Books The syllabus of UGC NET English is very vast. The first step towards preparation of any exam should be knowing the syllabus. UGC has not updated its syllabus even after the change in paper pattern. The syllabus remains the same but the question strategy is much different than few years back. With the recent changes in the handling body of UGC NET exam by NTA, the question paper level is expected to be higher than previous from this December onwards. Unless we know the proper syllabus, we cannot prepare and for that you need to analyze last 10-15-year papers (take the papers since when paper pattern changed to objective i.e. 2004). Analyze the papers and make notes of topics asked in the exam. For English note down the list of writers and books asked in the exam from previous sessions. Tip: Don’t go an buy a pile of scholarly books and blindly follow them. You may end up wasting your time and reading irrelevant content. The books are not going to mark important points or tell you important topics to read. It is must for aspirants of NET to join online courses and studies. It is observed that around 80 % of the writers are the same but the question strategy, and pattern is different each year. Do not tend to do surface study but rather go in depth of each topic. The questions in NET paper has more scientific approach rather than factual theories. The Questions are based on application of theories, their significance and translative versions of those theories. British Literature: one of the most prominent topics of NET paper. Earlier this portion consisted about 40-50% of paper. Now the syllabus from this section has been reduced and standard of questions has been raised. About 20-30% questions are still from this topic alone. Start off by reading 2-3 history books for building clear concepts. Books: You can read Andrew Sanders (for analytical approach), Ronald Carter and John McRae. American literature: Important topic to read in this section include all writers of after American revolution, transcendentalism, early writings, great medieval writings, post writings. Post-colonial literature is very important part of this section. Books: Postmodern and post-colonial by Cambridge Tip: Make your own notes and questions are asked based on order of books published, their sequel, prequel part authors, relations between authors and their writings. Indian literature: Literature before 1947, during 1947, and after 1947. These 3 are the main components of Indian literature. Also, you need to put extra attention to postmodern, Indian women writers, Dalit writings (Selected topics only). Books: Indian Writings by K.R. Srinivasa Iyengar, Studies in Indian English literature by M. K. Naik Literary theory & Criticism: This topic is feared by many literature students. For this part specifically, it is advised to candidates to subscribe video tutorials, online coaching notes. If you can go for Indian Writers, although Peter Barry is a very good book but it has not been written in accordance with NET Exam or Indian students therefore, it’s should be read only if you have enough time. It’s difficult to study from so many books, subscribing to various channels and courses. For better guidance join online coaching courses by experienced mentors. World literature: Important topics to read- Russian Writers French Writers Italian Writers German Writers (German literature, German romanticism, German faith drama, German epic dramas). Most questions have been asked from this section and is considered very important from NET point of view. Afro American/ African: Black feminism and slave narratives are the most important topics from this section. Books: Theory of African literature by chidi Amuta. Literary terms and devices: These are one of the most important section of the syllabus. There are more than 1200 literary terms. It includes culture studies, comparative studies, translation theories. Repeated questions are asked from this section so it’s better to prepare this from previous year papers. Books: Dictionary of literary theory and terms, Terry Eagleton after theory. Literary movement: This includes

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UGC NET Economics- Preparation tips, syllabus, books, career scope and exam strategy

UGC NET Economics UGC NET Exam is held twice a year to select deserving candidates for the post of Assistant professor and junior research fellow in various prestigious Indian Universities and institutes. But are the career prospects after qualifying this national level exam is limited to these two? Career opportunities for UGC NET Economics qualified Let’s have a look at various job and career opportunity after qualifying UGC NET 2018. Lectureship in government and private Indian Institutes and Universities. Doctorate Degree in Economics: Few of the top prestigious institutes where a candidate from economics background may apply are- Indian Institute of technology (IIT’s) Indian Institute of management (IIM’s) Indian Statistical Institute Jawahar Nehru University (JNU) Institute of financial management and research (IFMR) Lovely Professional University (LPU) Delhi School of Economics Jadavpur University A candidate may also apply for the post of assistant professor in the above-mentioned institutes. Guide Economics students for UGC NET through a self-institute or as a faculty of a coaching. Qualified candidates can also go for the post of statistician in prestigious government and private institutions. Work as an Editor/ Writer of UGC NET Economics (paper 2) books. JRF qualified candidates can take up research work in Indian National Security problems. Fields in which a candidate may work include but not limited to: International relations Geostrategic Geo political Tactical aspects of war Work as an economic consultant in corporate sector, MNC’s. Can also work in the field of marketing and accounts in corporate firms. Qualified candidates can also seek lectureship in law schools across the country. Do you know sklearn has inbuilt functions for machine learning algorithms like regression, classification problems and clustering. Learn more on sklearn datasets and algorithms now. Eligibility criteria for applying UGC NET in economics A candidate needs to clear off the norms of eligibility criteria before applying for UGC NET. Furthermore, a candidate should be eligible to apply in that particular subject. Aspirants need to choose only the subject of their post-graduation (or related to) for taking UGC NET Exam.  Candidates having a master’s degree in economics, commerce can both take this exam. Other than that, an MBA graduate can also apply for UGC NET economics. Important books for UGC NET Economics UGC NET paper 2 is made in such a way to test a candidate’s knowledge on a particular subject. It’s future prospects, current projects and researches going on, etc. For better preparation it is advised to read the books from the post-graduation. Some of the important books to read according to the topics are: Public Finance- H.L. Bhatia Macroeconomics-Edward Shapiro Indian Economy- R. Dutta &KPM Sundaram Modern banking- R S Sayers National Income-Bakerman Economic growth and development- Mayer and Baldwin International Economics – Bo Sodersten An Introduction to Economics- A W Stonier and D C Hauge Monetary Theory and Public Policy- Kenneth Kurihara Microeconomics-G. Madalla Industrial Economics -Hay & Morriss Apart from these books one can also rely on several other books for resources for preparation such as: Economics for UGC-NET / SLET and Other Competitive Examinations- K. R. Gupta Dictionary of Economics- Graham Bannock; TE Baxter, Ray Rees (Penguin) The Economic Times and Economical and Political Weekly. CBSE-UGC-NET: Economics Previous Papers (Solved) Paperback UGC-NET Economics: Junior Research Fellowship and Assistant Professor Exam Guide (Paper II & III) Paperback by Sanjay Kumar (Author) However, reading from so many books is not an easy task. For efficient preparation one need to make their own notes and study from them. For such highly competitive exams It is recommended to students to go for coaching programs and online courses. These courses provide a well-maintained study plan and compiled notes. It’s much easier to study from compiled notes from the best teachers and guides than struggling through various books. Some books have good question banks, some have good theory explanation. Therefore, students generally get confused and end up with a pile of books around them. Do you know sklearn datasets includes free resources shared by various universities and research group to analyze data in different domains. Learn more on sklearn datasets now. UGC NET Economics Syllabus Microeconomic Analysis Macroeconomics Development and planning Public finance International Economics Indian Economy Statistical methods Industrial structure and economic growth Money and banking Econometrics Download full syllabus here. Preparation tips for UGC NET Economics Exam Analyze the syllabus and previous year question papers. This gives you a hint from where the questions are coming and what type of questions are asked from a particular topic. Note: With recent changes it is expected that 2018 December paper of UGC NET will have more scientific and research focused questions. Important topics for Economics Micro and Macro Economics: This section is easier to understand and at least 5 questions are expected from this section. Students should focus on sections from this part because it’s easily confused with econometrics and other topics. Demand and supply theory, growth theories, Keynesian and post-Keynesian approaches are some important topics in this section and every year questions have been asked from these particular theories. Public Finance: The important topics to study in this section is tax, revenue, credit, etc. Focus should be given on current affairs from these topics. International Economics: The most important thing in tis topic is memorizing facts, dates and numbers. Questions are frequently framed on facts and numbers. Money and banking: For preparing this topic candidates can take help from course materials of various bank examinations. Popular government policies and tax structure, Monetary theories and exchange rates should be studied. Statistics: The most important topics are Sampling, theory of probability, correlation and regression. Questions based on both calculation and theory from this topic are easy. Candidates can expect 4-5 questions from this section in the paper. Econometrics: For some people this subject seems to be sort of tougher. The key to scoring is looking out for previous year questions. Indian Economics: This is probably the most length topic of this subject. You really need to work hard for this as all past,

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Eligibility criteria for UGC NET exam

In order to be eligible for UGC NET 2018 a candidate must fulfil certain criteria. It is must that the candidate qualifies minimum eligibility criteria required in both education qualifications and age limit. Candidates who are aspiring for a career in lectureship and research should check their eligibility before filling out the application form for UGC NET 2018. Eligibility criteria for UGC NET Educational Qualifications required for UGC NET What are the minimum Educational Qualifications required to be eligible for UGC NET 2018? Candidates who want to apply for UGC NET exam should be able to clear off all the academic qualification criteria. There are separate compensations and standards made for candidates belonging to SC, ST, PWD, OBC Category. A candidate must have scored at least 55 % marks in their post-graduation from any UGC recognized university/college. The candidates who have completed their master’s degree in humanities (including languages), Social Science, Computer Science and Applications, Electrical Science, etc.will be eligible for UGC NET 2018. Candidates who are still pursuing their master’s or equivalent degree or are in their final year course can also apply for this examination. Such candidates whose results are awaited will be admitted provisionally and shall be considered eligible once they have completed their master or equivalent degree with the required percentage of marks (55 % in case of general category). Candidates should be able to complete their master’s degree within 2 years of applying for UGC NET. Failing to do so they will be exempted from the exam. Candidates holding a Ph.D. degree will be given a special relaxation of 5 % in the qualifying marks provided they have completed their PHD degree by September 19,1991. Those candidates having post graduate diploma/certificate awarded by Indian university/Institute of foreign degree/diploma, certificate awarded by foreign University should ascertain their certificate/degree/diploma with master’s degree of recognized Indian Universities from Association of Indian Universities (AIU), New Delhi. Age Criteria and Relaxation What are the minimum age criteria for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF)? For JRF (Junior Research Fellow): Candidates who qualify for this post will be awarded a junior research fellowship of UGC and should be able to find placement in various government universities/colleges/IIT’s, etc. For a candidate to be eligible for the post of JRF (junior research fellow) thorough UGC NET he/she must not be more than 30 years of age as of January 1, 2018. There is a special age relaxation of 5 years for candidates belonging to SC, ST, PWD, OBC-NC category and female candidates. Candidates holding a degree in LLM will be given extra age relaxation of 3 years making them eligible for up to 33 years of age. Candidates with a prior research experience will be given a maximum of 5 years age relaxation provided they bring a letter from the authority of the institution from which the research had been conducted. A maximum relaxation of 5 years is provided to aspirants who have served into the armed forces subject to the length of service in the armed forces. Assistant Professor There is no upper age limit for the post of assistant professor. EXEMPTION (eligibility for assistant professor) Candidates who have cleared UGC NET-LS/ NET-JRF, CSIR prior to 1989 will be exempted from the UGC NET Exam in 2018. Candidates who are holding a degree of Ph.D. in accordance with University grants commission will be exempted from minimum eligibility criteria for the post of assistant professor. For candidates who have qualified SET (State Eligibility test) for eligibility as assistant professor prior to June 2002 will be exempted from UGC NET. They can apply for the post of Assistant professor anywhere in India. Candidates who have qualified SET after 2002 can apply for the post of assistant professor only in the colleges situated in the state from where they had cleared SET.   What special concessions are provided by NTA for candidates belonging to OBC-NCL, SC, ST, Transgenders, PWD? Special relaxations for female candidates or belonging to SC/ST/PWD/OBC-NCL and transgenders. A minimum of 50 % marks are required in masters for these candidates to be eligible for UGC NET Exam 2018. Special age relaxation of 5 years is given to candidates belonging to these categories as per the notice provided on the official website. The maximum age till which a candidate may apply for the post of JRF is 35 years in this case. Recently NTA had introduced a new category i.e. Transgenders. Candidates falling under this category would be given the same exemptions and privileges as provided to SC/ST, OBC-NCL and PWD candidates. Note that age relaxation cannot be exceeded from 5 years through single or multiple clause under any circumstances. Candidates belonging to SC/ST, PWD, OBC (Non-creamy layer) are required to submit a copy of their category certificate in order to avail special relaxations provided to them. General category candidates need not to submit any documents to UGC. Category Age Limit General 30 years SC/ST/PWD/OBC-NCL 35 years Women 35 years Transgenders 35 years LLM Degree 33 years Ph.D. Degree Period spent on research (Max age=35 years) Served in Armed forces Max age =35 years   CUT off and selections: What are the minimum Selection Criteria for NET? Following the above-mentioned guidelines and rules a candidate could be declared eligible or ineligible for the exam. In case of any false information or reports the candidature’s, application will be cancelled and necessary legal actions will be taken against him/her. The above rules were for the eligibility of taking the UGC NET Exam 2018. There are again certain criteria and eligibility once you clear off the exam. For being able to be selected as qualified a candidate need to score a minimum of qualifying marks in both the papers. There are different cut off’s and merit list for the post of Assistant professor and Junior Research Fellow. A minimum of 40% marks is mandatory to score (General Category) in order to be eligible for the post of Assistant professor. Candidates belonging to SC, ST,

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Preparation tips, syllabus and best books for UGC NET paper 1

How to prepare for UGC NET paper 1 Paper 1 of the UGC NET Exam is organized in order to test a candidate’s teaching aptitude, analytical and logical reasoning along with various other important factors required in the professions of lectureship. Doing good in paper 1 is not only limited to clearing cut off marks but can also give you advantage over other candidates by maximizing your overall score. Do you know AI is a technique used to mimic human behaviour, while machine learning is to process and analyze data.Learn more fact on ai machine learning here. See also: Complete information of UGC NET exam Paper pattern of UGC NET paper 1 The paper will be online in CBT mode. This paper contains 50 questions from about 10 different topics. Each topic questions have equal number of weightages i.e. 5 questions from a single topic. A total of 60 minutes is allotted for this paper. There is no negative marking. Each question carries equal marks (+2). The questions will be objective in nature having multiple choice answers. Syllabus of UGC NET Paper 1 Teaching Aptitude Teaching: Nature, Objective, Characteristics and basic requirements. Learners Characteristics Factors affecting teaching Methods of teaching Teaching aids Evaluation systems Research Aptitude Research: Meaning, characteristic and types Steps of research Methods of research Research Ethics Paper, article, workshop, Seminar, conference and symposium Thesis writing, its characteristics and format. Reading Comprehension A passage to be set with questions to be answered. Communication Communication: Nature, Characteristics, types, barriers and effective classroom communication. Reasoning Number Series Letter Series Codes Relationships Classifications Logical Reasoning Understanding the structure of arguments Evaluating and distinguishing deductive and inductive reasoning Verbal analogies: Word Analogy-Applied analogy Verbal classification Reasoning Logical Diagrams: Simple Diagrammatic relationship, Multi diagrammatic relationship Venn diagram, Analytical reasoning. Data Interpretation Sources, acquisition and interpretation of data Quantitative and qualitative data Graphical representation and mapping of data Information and communication Technology (ICT) ICT: Meaning, advantages, disadvantages and uses General abbreviations and terminology Basics of internet and e-mailing People and Environment People and environment interaction Sources of pollution Pollutants and their impact on human life, exploitation of natural energy resources Natural hazards and mitigation Higher Education system Structure of institutions, Formal and distance education, professional/technical and general education Value education Governance, polity and administration Concept, institutions and their interactions See also: career opportunities for UGC NET qualified candidates Best books to for UGC NET Exam paper 1 Some of the most popular and recommended books by UGC NET aspirants are: Trueman’s UGC NET/SET General paper-1: This book is one of the most popular books among the students preparing for UGC NET. It covers the entire syllabus of the NET exam paper 1 effectively. An important factor that makes this book worth purchasing is the exercises and practice questions given at the back of each chapter. NTA UGC NET/SET: Teaching and research aptitude by KVS Madaan UGC NET/JRF/SLET General Paper-1 Teaching & Research Aptitude by Arihant Preparation strategy for beginner of UGC NET Start off with books and study materials. You can go through the above suggested books for paper 1. Read one book thoroughly and mark important points. Solve the questions and exercises given at the end of each chapter. In addition to reading books get your hands on some online study material for UGC NET. Online study materials are extensive compilation of the best notes and books. Each topic is maintained in such a way that it covers all the aspects of a topic. Moreover, these online study materials are helpful for paper 2 as well. It is advised to study teaching and research part in depth as these two topics are tougher than the rest. A student can start off by buying a separate book teaching and research from among the one’s mentioned above. Teaching aptitude is mostly theoretical therefore it is wise to read through ready made notes. Solve as many questions as you can from research topics including types of research as exploratory, fundamental, historical and experimental research. A candidate may revise basic mathematical concepts asked in the paper from class X books. For Reasoning, logical reasoning and data interpretation Quantitative aptitude by R.S. Aggarwal is recommended. Maintain Flash cards of abbreviations and terminology for Information and communicating technology. Pay close attention to basic communication framework and organizational communications by following the prescribed books. Practice Comprehension techniques by solving questions from various bank PO examinations. Topics under people and environment should be read from class X NECRT books. Higher Education System: For this topic, follow government related schemes, Latest changes in administration and governance of higher education in India. Solve Sample papers: Once you are done with the reading part, to make your preparation more intact solving sample paper’s is must. Go ahead and solve at least 50 sample papers and about 15 previous year question papers. The key to perform good in such tests is more and more practice. Take mock tests:  After solving and practicing questions it’s time to check your preparation level. For this a candidate need to take mock tests. Students can register online on UGC website and take mock tests held by UGC. If you have enrolled in any online course or package make sure to their mocks too and work on your weak topics by analyzing the results. Do you know AI contains machine learning and Deep Learning as subsets. Deep learning covers deep processing involving neural networls. See our ai machine learning course. Preparation tips for UGC NET exam Make a Study Schedule: For full utility of time and proper management making a schedule is a necessity. Candidates preparing for any competitive exam must follow a proper study schedule. With the one-third weightage of paper 1 you need to score good in this paper as well. Make a separate schedule for paper 1 preparation. Do not ignore any topic: To score maximum marks it is strictly advised for a candidate to read all the topics properly as there will be at least

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Jobs and Career Opportunities After Clearing Ugc Net and Jrf Exam

National Eligibility Test (NET) is conducted for testing a candidate’s knowledge and skills for the post of lectureship and award of Junior Research Fellowship. We can further classify this exam as UGC NET and CSIR NET. While UGC NET is conducted for the students from the stream of Humanities (including languages), Arts/Commerce, Computer Science, etc.  CSIR is conducted for Science and mathematics stream. Although the post held by candidates after clearing both of the exams is similar, there are variations in choice of colleges and job institutions chosen by the candidates. Jobs for CSIR Qualified Candidates CSIR stands for the council for scientific and research organization which conducts CSIR-NET exam every year for candidates interested in the field of research and development. Candidates who want to go to the field of lectureship or research can take this exam. Candidates from the background of science and technology can take this exam into five different subjects. The subjects in which this exam could be taken include Physical Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Life sciences, Earth Sciences (Atmospheric, Ocean& Planetary science). What makes CSIR NET different from UGC NET are the subjects. National Eligibility Test (NET) for science subjects are conducted by CSIR. PhD. from prestigious institutes Candidates can enroll themselves into Ph.D. programs along with a fellowship into various scientific research institutions in India. After completing their Ph.D. candidates can take up any of the options given below. Job opportunities in the field of Public Sector Undertakings (PSU’s) CSIR-NET Qualified candidates can take up jobs into various government and private PSU’s with lucrative salaries. Candidates from chemistry background can apply in ONGC (oil and natural gas corporation), NTPC (National thermal power corporation), Indian Oil Corporation, Bharat petroleum, etc. where a sound knowledge of chemistry is necessary for the post of executive officers. Apart from this other PSU’s also hire CSIR qualified candidates onto various officers’ post in the field of research and development. Join CSIR Research labs CSIR has its own 37 laboratories and 39 field stations across India. A candidate having interest in the field of research can join one of these. Based on your interests you can apply to CSIR labs for two posts: Laboratory technician and Junior Scientist. As a laboratory technician, you have to work in the laboratory research work into the fields of Physics, Chemistry, and life science. As a junior scientist, you need to assist the analysts and scientist in their work on research and development. Growth: You may grow up to a lead in the project, presenting the lab research work, or review lab research work. Salary: The pay scale starts from 25,000 – 39,000 which increases with substantial growth and experience. Join DRDO/ Scientific research institutions Apart from CSIR, there are other varied meticulous institutions across the country. Some of the prominent institutes in the field are: ISRO, BARC, IGCAR Growth: After joining scientific institutions you can work on up to a post of scientist, Research leader. If you are able to attract funding then you may also set up your own labs and work on your own projects. Salary: The starting salary of junior scientists and researchers (Grade B) are in the range of 25,000-30,000. Once you get promoted it may increase up to 80,000- 1 lakhs per month. Apply as JRF   Apply for the post of JRF in various government-funded institutes such as CSIR/DBT/INSPIRE, DRDO, CSIR – CFTRI, IISER, NIPER, IICB, NIMAHNS. JRF (Junior research fellow) is a pot of fellowship in research work. Growth: As a research fellow you can have a career in lectureship as well. You may also lead up to as a project leader and guide students over a certain project. Salary: On the off chance that you fit the bill for JRF then you would get Rs. 25,000 and once the partnership is moved up to SRF then stipend is expanded up to Rs. 28,000 for the third and consequent years. Join as an Assistant professor Lecturer job is considered as one of the most prestigious and respectful job in our country. Growth: Candidates who have a dream career as a professor, head of department, Vice-chancellor can apply as an assistant professor in various esteemed government as well as private universities over the country. Salary: Pay bundle of Assistant Professors at Government Universities begins with least CTC of 6 Lakhs and after the advancement, you may get a base Rs. 12 Lakhs for every year. Work in private corporate firms Recently, private firms/ MNC’s have started hiring CSIR-NET qualified candidates for research and advancement purposes. They are hired for analyzing and researching on given data. Why should you appear for UGC NET – Jobs opportunities and other benefits? University Grants Commission brings out National Eligibility Test twice a year for aspirants who want to pursue a career in the field of lectureship or research. If you want to have a career in teaching or want to go ahead with your research after post-graduation then you must take the UGC NET Exam. This exam is supposed to check the credibility of a candidate for pursuing Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) or Assistant professor in Indian Universities and Colleges. A candidate’s post is decided on the basis of merit marks obtained in both the papers. The candidates who qualify the merit marks for JRF can apply for both Assistant professor and JRF Post. However, a candidate who only qualifies assistant professor may not pursue the career in Research field through this exam. It is honestly said that the job of a teacher is the one who teaches hundreds and thus if you want to be a part of this great work faculty you need to Qualify UGC NET-LS at least. The job prospectus is similar to that of CSIR-NET except that UGC-NET does not involve science subjects and therefore admission to those institutions is restricted. Career opportunities for UGC NET-LS Qualified Candidate Qualified candidates can apply for the post of assistant professor in various colleges, universities across the

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