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Economy related CA. For Banking there is different Section

c programs for interview

Can consumption spur revives Indian economy?

Introduction:- Recently released GDP data of the government allows a meagre 4.5% growth in the second quarter of the 2019-2020 fiscal year. The underlying reasons have been largely pointed out by several sources as demand, a create unorganized sector, etc. Consumption and demand in Indian economy As shown in the basic economic textbook, demand remains the most important factor for the growth of an economy along with another factor. On account of high unemployment’s, low wages, then consumption has slid by a huge margin. This esteem a reduction in the income of these citizens. The rural economy frames the backbone of domestic demand, however, the leaked consumption data reveals a decline in the consumption expenditure in rural areas on several heads. Do you know: C Language was not called C at the beginning. It has been named as C after passing many stages of evolution.Find the basic c programs for interview. Check now. Reasons for the slowdown:- Shortage of funds with the investors on account of trapped money with government per fame of fiscal deficit. High Non-Performing Assets. low demand for consumption an account of low employment, low income. The disturbed state of the economy, especially the unorganized sector after demonetization. Way ahead:- The government needs to realize the true fiscal deficit which is higher than 103% of the budgeted target for 2019-2020 in October. This will need the RBI to buy bonds from the government, giving more space for new bonds being released. The increased flow of cash in the cash drawn informal economy is the need of the house. More and easy credit should be given. Boost investor sentiment. Invest in infrastructure building and employment-generating schemes such an MGNREGS. Improve the employment rate and decreasing the fiscal rate and inflation. Although there is a serve nee to look at for increase in consumption and cash flow, to simple injection of money in the economy will lead to stagflation and will have to be complimented with structural actions and reforms. End note Xamnation is India’ leading online learning platform for government exams preparation and campus placements. We are offering live classes, online material and test series for various exams and courses. Please check Xamnation courses for our online courses. Check our main courses: RBI Grade B Coaching SEBI Grade A Coaching UPSC essay writing practice

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What are key roles of Final Action Task Force ?

Financial action task force was established In 1989 by G.7 countries submit in Paris to curb the money laundering, later on, it expanded its mandate by adding to combating against terror financing. The objective of FATF:- Curb money laundering Combat against terror financing Maintain the integrity of the financial system. Role of FATF:- It provided various recommendation to world organizations to combat against any threat to the financial system. FATF also responded activity to threats coming to the financial integrity of any country. It also helps in implementing the legal and institutional mechanism which will fight against the Money laundering and terror financing. Monitor the process to necessary measures. Which are required to do away any menace to integrity to the financial system? FATF put countries into grey compliance to the norms in combating the desired objective. Further, can put into a blacklist which put enormous pressure over the economy of a country. Collaborate with various world government to protect the international financial system from any misuse. FATF is a very crucial organization in the present context to tackle any problem in the context of the financial system. World government should collaborate with FATF to achieve the desired goal and immune from any financial threat.

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group discussion topics

What are electoral bonds?

Electoral bonds a surfed dominated bond that are usually at the specific resection of the month and the date-specific financial institution. But they are all edged of temporary issues. Primary downs are not disclosed as the names, nature of the association, a search of funds is free from the discloser. Corporate donations are mad open-ended. No procedure to agents no limitation or on donation on enlisting the donation across the end discloser to the stakeholder are annual returns. Donations are not be scrutinized for their nature of funding. Tips for cracking Group Discussion: Listen to every one as it increases your chance of contributing better in the GD. Good listening will also help in summarizing at the last.Get the group discussion topics and practice material in mock GD course. Get the latest gd topics and practice material in GD preparation course. Issues: – Could be from money laundering Could be from internal financing to make black money white. Could be minced from tan hawkers or being occurred from t-notes. A natural factor of electoral fund utilization has not been addressed by the electoral bank.   Structural factor:- Utilization of donations for party-specific purposes Issues with bonds – no provision on post-audit. Use of money power – No condition of public sourcing Cases of horse-trading and defection (buy Mets)—No the condition of public discloser of franks. The new allegation is National – 88% of party funding during 25years is Rs: 2,0000 crores and more. This large inflation of compared donations. Designation Financial authority (RBI) is under the central government. Thus, renting party has a hand on accruing the source of funds. Electoral bonds can not address the using stand inter-party policies. Indian system impact cannot be addressed inter-party corruption as the political allegation is free from party termination. Tips for cracking Group Discussion: Don’t look at the panel of judges. It sends wrong signals.Get the group discussion topics and practice material in mock GD course.     May ahead: – Bonds have standardization. Therein of restore funding issues to an extent. Standardization: – Only a few months with 15 days of life. Denomination spectra Only to nationally recognized for parties. Unregistered parties, established for the stake of tan concessions can be checked. VLCL of EC had to law mechanism of a financial audit. RBI Grade B Online Coaching Program

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cracking Group Discussion

Relevance of Biotechnology in recession-hit world economy

The World economy growth is predated by IMF at 3.3% for this year which is not promising. The Trade wars between nations and the sanctions on oil import are creating conditions of recession. Sectors like biotechnology offer a glimpse of hope to the world. Since 2000 the growth in this field has been promising with a greater number of drug approvals and research and developed. In India, biotechnology has shown good performance. The pharmaceutical sector saw a growth 14% this month which forms a major part of its exports to different countries. see all WHAT IS FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION? The biotechnology rates in India is governed by —  ICMR CSIR + [CCME] Mir of Science and Technology Tips for cracking Group Discussion: Maintain cordial relations with every one in the group. The promising accepts of biotechnology are because of its wide applications like –  India has undertaken a project of gene sequencing of 1000 rural youth to study the effect of clearers. Recently the department of Biotechnology of India released grants to Centre for Cellular and molecular biology [CCMR] to produced consumable meat by cell growth. This will save money used in land, mater, feedstock requirement and boost the meat industry. Moreover, the risk of desire due to salmonella, e.cote bacteria will be eliminated. Bitcoin ltd has produced a drug to fight breast cancer which will lead to women empowerment. Biotechnology can increase the production of alternative fuels like ethanol by using ‘saccharomyces cerevisiae’. This will ensure energy recently of India. UK trade and investment Centre and Indian biotechnology interpreters have partnered for on reach a life saviour. However, the challenges to biotechnologies. Increased expenditure in R and D required over a sustained period. Generic sequencing needs to be carried out with approvals. Generic drugs should be encouraged without patents. Tips for cracking Group Discussion: In a GD everyone is seated. Don’t play with pen, paper or your chair, just concentrate. Check out current gd topics in GD preparation course. By 2015 the biotech industry is estimated to reach $100 billion. The opportunity available should be encouraged with open arms by the public and private sector of India. NABARD 2019

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puzzles asked in interview

What are features of outcome budgeting?

Budget is an annual financial statement released by finance minister every year. It is mentioned in article 11. It provides a clear outlay of expenditures for the coming financial year. Outcome budget: It is generally a process card about how much result has been acquired in various minifies and departments by using budget allocation. It helps in transparency and accountability. It does not only analyse the results in terms of money but also in quality terms like the tone of steel produced etc. It helps in better service providing. It analyses the outcome in every department by measuring input. Every department has to present its data performed in every unit to finance minister. Ithelps to identify the loopholes in implementation. It analyses the surplus or deficit and takes actions according to it. see all WHAT IS GENDER BUDGETING? Performance budget: It is a performance of every unit in terms of input used and the output that is generated through this. It tries to establish the links between tax funds allocated to the department and the result brought out through the allocation. Do you know puzzles and data structure questions are common for interview of top companies. Check our the most common puzzles asked in interview in our puzzle course Difference between Outcome budget and performance budget is that: Outcome budget takes account of output produced and the process made – Performance budget will try to bring a link between funds allocated and the equivalent results brought out. Outcome budget, performance budget all meant to increase transparency and accountability which are key ingredients of democracy, utmost care to be taken to implement it a proper procedure. RBI Grade B 2019

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What is Development Finance Institution?

 Development Finance Institution (DFI) :- A DFI also known as a development bank or development finance company is a financial institution that provides risk capital for economic development project on non-commercial basis. Difference between DFI & Commercial Banks :- DFIS Commercial Bank Provide long term capital to productive sectors like infrastructure. Provide financial assistance or lends to government to undertake infrastructure projects with long gestation period & huge capital. Have a broad develop outlook. Provide sector specific loan. A multipurpose financial institution concerned with providing all types of financial assistance medium as well as long to the government for development projects. Source their capital fund government guarantee. Provide short term loans for business or providing finance for consumers. Provide financial assistance to business for short term duration. Have a narrow develop outlook. No such criteria in commercial bank. Commercial Bank is basically a retail unit dealing with individuals & corporates. Commercial Banks do banking business with the aim of earning profit. Source their capital fund public deposit. Need for India to have DFIS :- To solve the infrastructure financial needs of the country since banks don’t have the long term funds to finance such projects. In india there is no DFIS to fund long term infrastructure project , establishments of DFIS will enhance debt flow towards such projects. DFIS could cater to the wholesale & long term financial needs of the growing economy. As per RBI’s discussion paper on wholesale & long term finance banks in 2017 there is a decline in the long term assets relative to total assets on the banks balance sheet. Provide concessional funds at a lower rate of interest. Social return of DFIS is quite high. Specialised in nature cater the need of long term finance & quicken the economical development. Issues involved / disadvantages:- In emerging sector risk may be higher than the ordinary financial system & they are unable to bear the risk. Problem in mobilisation of resources. Removal of concessional rate regime. Problem of competitive interest rate.    RBI Grade B Online Coaching Program

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atest group discussion topics

Do we need WTO or not ?

WTO is an international organization to handle world trade. Currently, there is a stall in the world trade due to the US-China war and move specifically of the withdrawal of developing nations tag from India and China by the USA. This is due to The USA alleges India and China Misusing developing nation tag Themselves opaque about subsidy, government enterprise etc. Resulting in Going against A.23 of Dispute Settlement Understanding of WTO (prohibition of the unilateral embargo) Relegating WTO’s position. Disrupting world order might give to rise to jungle rain in world trade order. Tips for cracking Group Discussion: Don’t take anything personal. The other person may or may not agree with you, please don’t take it personally. Find our latest group discussion topics and related preparation material in mock gd course. In order to evaluate the situation, one must analyze WTO’s utilities. They are:- WHO – Emerges helped in trade growth – stability – improving world economy after World War II. Caused Massive Structural Change. E.g.: 1995 – 0.8% Internet Users 2019 – 57% Internet Users Promoted International Trade E.g.: Single iPhone – 14 components 7/8 Multinational Company 40 countries Lowered Import tariff by 15% Implemented Free Trade Agreements. Functioned – Forum for dispute settlement E.g.: Avoided Trade war worth $340 billion. Tips for cracking Group Discussion: Don’t get angry when aroused by the other person. Maintain your cool. Find our latest group discussion topics and related preparation material in mock gd course. Yet sure is some short timing in WTO’s functioning. They are: The multilateral process not fortified Negotiation 164 members Complex Rise of Regionalism Suffers from Evolutionary bias Yes, I think WTO shall average as a lynchpin of global trade governance. The following steps shall assist this emergence. The assistance of the USA – through a reasonable later. Reasonable Multilateralism – Open discussion – hearing all members. Alternative entering into plurilateral agreements. Big players should share the burden rather than being altruistic. The world order is a must for global peace and to tackle an omniscient recession crisis. Rise of WTO shall be an important defence in such a crisis NABARD 2019

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cv writing

What are Micro Finance Institutions (MFI)

According to the World Bank report close to 1.4 billion people in the different countries don’t have access to the financial service and that’s where Micro-financial Institution play a major role. Goals of MFI’s: Assists the development of community which follow sustainable development. Providing resources to lower section of the society. Evaluation of option to end the poverty. Mobilize self-employment benefits to under privilege. Do you know: During 2019, 90% of resumes are made available on online or sent via email. Check out how can you work on cv writing and create outstanding CV. Enroll into CV building course. Features of MFI’s: It provides easy access to credit– people get money when it needed the most. It makes future investment possible– MFI’s provide the credit for constructing houses, health facility, better future opportunity. It served under financed section of society– it provides loans to women, unemployed man etc. It gives better education– families benefiting from micro loans, and improvement in family income imply that the children may not pull out from school for monetary reasons. Do you know: One of the reason for rejection in CV is wrong usage of tenses. Make proper use of past and present tenses. Check out how can you work on cv writing and create outstanding CV. Enroll into CV building course. MFI’s shifted their focus from ruler urban areas to urban area, MFI’s have more client then rural area, from the latest data of self-regulating organization. Sadhana shows 67% of the 37 million customer lives in urban areas. Reasons for Urban Shifting: The growth of urban portfolio is more than in rural area, as the density of population is much higher. Saving the cost of involved in searching new location. Per head employee cost is reduced as there is no need to travel for reaching customers. The cot of operation is much lower due to elimination of need for offices. RBI Grade B Online Coaching Program

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machine learning using python

Bond yield inversion and impact on recession

There is a known finance theory of bond yield inversion and its impact on the upcoming slowdown and recession. We will see on details on this concept in this article. What are bonds ? Bonds are different types of fixed income instruments. There are public traded bonded (as listed on stock exchanges like NSE), there are privately traded bonds. Bonds are issued by governments, municipalities and big corporates whenever they want to start a big project, and want to crowd source the money from people. They do this by issuing bonds, and promising an interest rates over fix period of time. Do you know most of data analyst use concept of machine learning using python or R. See details of our machine learning using python course here Important features in bonds Bonds are purchased by investor at issue price, which is price at which bond is trading currently. There is always face values attached to bond, this is the amount which investor will get from bond at the end. There is also maturity period, which is time period offered at the time of period for returning money (face value). Investor are paid coupon payments at fixed coupon rate at regular interval (most often half yearly). Bond yield is defined as rate of interest if bonds are held till maturity. This is also known as internal rate of interest(IRR) or Yield to maturity (YTM). Different types of government bonds Government issues there types of bonds. Treasury bill– Time duration less than 1 year Treasury notes – Time duration between 1 to 10 years Bonds – Time duration more than 10 years. Government bonds are more in demand from private players, as govt is offering security on these bonds thus making them well secured. More and more people are using machine learning using python, as it covers completes scope including data handling, cleaning, processing and visualisation. See course program for machine learning using python. What is bond yield inversion Bond yield inversion happens when yield of short term bond become greater than yield of long term bond. There is widespread insecurity and apprehension in the market, and it has been seen that whenever in last 70 years, short term yield become larger than long term yield, recession happens immediately afterwards. However, there is no time prescribed to recession. It may happen in 0-24 months as seen in previous data. In recent times(Aug 2019), we have seen that US is seeing bond yield inversion phenomenon. Economists are saying that the reason for behavior on yield is due to US general trade practices like trade war with China and increasing tariffs from multiple countries. Conclusion In this article, we have seen concept of bonds and yield curve inversion, possibilities of its occurrence. If you have any question, feel free to contact us. RBI Grade B Online Coaching Program

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Foreign Trade Policy (FTP): Review

Background Every 5 year foreign trade policy is made which gives a roadmap to enhance the export. The present FTP is for period 2005- 2020. To understand it background and its provision refer the FTP lecture series. In month of December, 2017 the mid-term review of FTP had been done. Do you know with libraries like Pandas and Scikit-Learn, python is one of the best option for machine learning. Check our course on python for machine learning. FTP Review: Main points 1.  The value of new incentives is Rs. 8,000 crore. Rs 749 crore for leather and footwear, Rs 1354 crore for agriculture and related items, Rs 759 crore for marine exports, Rs 369 crore for telecom and electronic items, Rs 921 crore for handmade carpets, Rs 193 crore for medical and surgical equipments, Rs 1140 crore for textiles and readymade garments. 2.  Incentives for goods exports is Rs. 4,567 crore, and for services exports is Rs. 1,140 crore. 3.  Under MEIS/SEIS scheme incentive has been increased from 2% to 4% for labour intensive MSME e.g. Textiles Sector 4.  Increase in the validity period of duty-free credit scrips to 24 months from 18 months to enhance their utility in the GST framework 5.  A single point of contact on foreign trade. 6.  Data Based Policy Action: It proposes to set up a logistics arm in the commerce ministry and a trade analytics division for data-based policy actions 7.  An e- wallet is also proposed to be set up to address the liquidity problems faced by exporters. 8.  Exporters will self-certify the requirement of duty free raw materials/ inputs under Authorized Economic Operators (AEOs). 9.  Encouraging export of agricultural products 10. Allowing Specified Nominated Agencies to import Gold without payment of IGST 11.  Support to Export Credit Guarantee Corporation is also being enhanced to increase insurance cover to exporters particularly MSMEs exploring new or difficult markets. 12.  Help of professional team to handhold, assist and support exporters in their export related problems. Effect of GST on exports = Negative 1. Filing large number of returns 2. Withdrawal of duty draw back scheme (except on custom duty), 3. No refund mechanism of unutilised input tax credit under GST for cotton fibre and man-made textile 4. Deemed Exporter has not been recognised under GST framework Recommendation of Parliamentary committee on Impact of GST on Export 1. Automatic system for claiming refunds 2. Formal mechanism for grievance redressal of exporters 3. Continuing duty drawback rates as before the introduction of GST till Jun 30, 2018 or till the Department of Revenue works out revised duty drawback rates 4. Clarification about the qualifying supplies as deemed exports, and extend export related benefits to them 5. Remove Reverse Charge mechanism and bring some alternate mechanism for SEZ Normally, the supplier of goods or services pays the tax on supply. In the case of Reverse Charge, the receiver becomes liable to pay the tax, i.e., the chargeability gets reversed. Generally done when supply from an Unregistered dealer to a Registered dealer occurs

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Consolidated FDI Policy

In the article we will discuss the FDI in Indian Economy, where it is permitted, where it is not. FDI is prohibited in: 1. Lottery Business including Government/private lottery, online lotteries, etc. 2. Gambling and Betting including casinos etc. 3. Chit funds 4. Nidhi company 5. Trading in Transferable Development Rights (TDRs) 6. Real Estate Business or Construction of Farm Houses ‘Real estate business’ shall not include development of townships, construction of residential /commercial premises, roads or bridges and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) registered and regulated under the SEBI (REITs) Regulations 2014. a. But real-estate broking service is eligible for 100% FDI under automatic route. 7. Manufacturing of cigars, cheroots, cigarillos and cigarettes, of tobacco or of tobacco substitutes 8. Activities/sectors not open to private sector investment e.g.(I) Atomic Energy and (II) Railway operation other than permitted activities mentioned as follow: Sector/Activity % of Equity/FDI Cap Entry Route Railway Infrastructure 100% Automatic Foreign technology collaboration in any form including licensing for franchise, trademark, brand name, management contract is also prohibited for Lottery Business and Gambling and Betting activities. Do you know machine learning is most important part of whole data science. Learn more on data science and machine learning here. Foreign equity Sectoral Cap Minimum Sectoral cap = the maximum amount which can be invested by foreign investors in an entity is composite and includes all types of foreign investments, direct and indirect in any form like FDI, FII,  FPI, NRI, FVCI, LLPs, DRs and Investment Vehicle of FEMA (Transfer or Issue of Security by Persons Resident Outside India) Regulations. It does not include Foreign Loan. But it includes FCCB as these bond can b converted into equity. Sector/Activity % of Equity/FDI Cap Entry Route Agriculture 100% in most of the activity. Automatic Petroleum & Natural Gas: Petroleum refining by PSUs without any domestic equity dilution 49% Automatic Petroleum & Natural Gas: other 100% Automatic Defence 100% Automatic up to 49% Government route beyond 49% Broadcasting Carriage Services 100% Automatic Broadcasting Content Services ü  FM Radio, ‘News & Current Affairs’ TV Channels 49% Government Broadcasting Content Services ü  Non-‘News & Current Affairs’ TV 100% Automatic Print Media ü  newspaper and periodicals, Indian editions of foreign magazines dealing with news and current affairs 26% Government Print Media ü  scientific and technical magazines/specialty journals/ periodicals, facsimile edition of foreign newspapers 100% Government Civil Aviation: Airports, Air Transport Services etc. 100% Automatic Civil Aviation: Scheduled/Regional Air Transport Service Including in Air India 100% Automatic up to 49% (Automatic up to 100% for NRIs) Government route beyond 49% Satellites- establishment and operation 100% Government Private Security Agencies 74% Automatic up to 49% Government route beyond 49% and up to 74% Telecom Services 100% Automatic up to 49% Government route beyond 49% Single Brand product retail trading 100% Automatic ( Earlier : Automatic up to 49% and  Government route beyond 49% Multi Brand Retail Trading 51% Government Banking- Private Sector 74% Automatic up to 49% Government route beyond 49% and up to 74% Banking- Public Sector 20% Government Infrastructure Company in the Securities Market 49% Automatic Insurance 49% Automatic Pension Sector 49% Automatic Power Exchanges 49% Automatic ( earlier it was allowed in secondary market, now allowed in primary market as well) Pharmaceuticals – Greenfield 100% Automatic Pharmaceuticals- Brownfield 100% Automatic up to 74% Government route beyond 74% For more Detail refer: ( Page 23) Do you know machine learning is used in text and image data using various software to correctly predict pattern and prepare recommendation. Check our data science and machine learning course.

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python online

Effect of Fiscal Consolidation on Aggregate Demand and GDP

Fiscal Consolidation means policy undertaken by government to reduce its Fiscal/Revenue Deficit. Without going into technicality of Fiscal and revenue deficit, we can say that deficit is difference between what a government spend and what a government earned. Government can practice Fiscal consolidation either by reducing their expenditure (outflow of money) or by increase their earning (inflow of money except debt). Effect on aggregate demand will depends upon how government is going to have fiscal consolidation. 1. Fiscal consolidation through cutting in spending: If government achieve fiscal consolidation through decrease in Government spending then it is going to reduce the Aggregate Demand (AD). This will occur as Govt. spending reduces so the government demand. But AD will not going to decrease by same amount by which Govt. spending reduced but it is going to be reduced much more than that and that is called multiplier effect. To understand the multiplier effect we have to understand what Aggregate Demand (AD) is? See also: Important current affairs videos on economics AD is nothing but demand of the products produced in a country. So demand comes from four sectors –  1. People within county  2. Government  3. Industry (which we call as Investment)  4. People from other country (called as export) Therefore AD = C+I+G+NX Where C= Private Consumption I = Private Investment G = Government Spending NX = Net Export ( Export – Import) By looking at above equation it can be wrongly considered that if Govt. spending reduced by Rs 100 then AD should reduced by Rs 100 but it is not the case. The reason is that the private consumption depends upon the GDP which in turn equal to AD when economy is in equilibrium. Let’s  understand this by an example. Let’s say government decided to reduce its spending and droped the plan of constructing a road. Then there will be less income for road constructor so he will demand less stuff. (Let’s say that stuff is bread). Consequently, there will be less income for bread maker, so further his demand will reduce and so on….. Same has been shown in following figure: Following figure showing the case what would happen when government increases its expenditure With this it should be clear that Decrease in Government Expenditure (done to achieve fiscal consolidation) or increase in expenditure going to respectively decrease  and increase the AD by many fold amount. See also: Free mock test for Economics and Social Issues Caveat: It is not always the case; in some economic situation the government expenditure will not have any multiplier effect.  Some of such situation is like when interest sensitivity of money demand is 0, or when interest sensitivity of investment is very high (around infinite). However this situation has been/ will be disused in some other article. In following part I will going to explain mathematics behind above explanation. You may skip this without losing any understanding ***************************************************************************** If you want to know the exact mathematical relationship between AD and Govt. expenditure, you should read the following. C  is proportional to GDP (Y) Let’s say C=  Cbar+cY Where “c”  is called propensity to consume, which is  the sensitivity to consume with income. Higher the “c” higher is the sensitivity that is for a given increase in income higher increase in consumption. Obviously, value of “c” can not be more than 1 And Cbar is some part of consumption which does not depend upon income ( like essential food , cloths etc.) When economy is in equilibrium then whatever has been demanded that has been produced i.e. aggregated demand (AD) will be equal to GDP (Y) i.e. AD = Y So Y  = AD = C+I+G+NX Y = Cbar+cY + I + G + NX Y = [1/(1-c)] * ( Cbar + G + NX + I) If G changes by “∆G” the Y changes by [1/(1-c)] *∆G So if c is 0.6 and G decrease by Rs 100 Crore then GDP (or AD)  will reduce by Rs 250 Crore *************************************************************************** Do you know Python is the de facto language for data scientists, statisticians, machine learning experts, and web enthusiasts. Get python online coaching and learning material. 2. Fiscal consolidation through increasing revenue: If govt. try to achieve to fiscal consolidation by increasing its revenue (which generally not the case) in that case effect on AD is not that simple as in previous case. It depends upon how government has increased its revenue, in case it is increased by increase in tax then it will reduce the AD as increase in tax causes the decrease in money in hand of people and they will demand less. If government increase its revenue by selling its assets (like coal block, spectrum etc.) then it will not affect the aggregate demand as directly as in other case. This is all about the effect of Government expenditure ( which is part of fiscal policy) on Aggregated Demand and GDP.  In case of any doubt you may ask in comment section.   See more:  FRDI bill National minimum wage in India Repo rate and Bank rate We are offering online coaching in following exams. Get online material, live classes, test series and doubt removal pack.  RBI Grade B coaching Nabard Grade A coaching Sebi grade B coaching Irda assistant manager coaching  

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National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI)

In this article journey and achievement of NPCI has been explained in very succinct manner. This explanation is enough for any competitive exam. For more detail  you may refer the official website of NPCI. About NPCI National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) is an umbrella organisation for retail payment systems in the country. Set-up under the guidance of Reserve Bank and Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) Set up in December 2008 Setup under the provisions of the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007 It is “Not for Profit” Company Purpose: to provide infrastructure to the entire Banking system in India for physical as well as electronic payment and settlement systems. The ten core promoter banks are State Bank of India, Punjab National Bank, Canara Bank, Bank of Baroda, Union Bank of India, Bank of India, ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, Citibank N. A. and HSBC. In 2016 the shareholding was broad-based to 56 member banks to include more banks representing all sectors. Year 2009 Institute for Development & Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT) handed over to National Financial Switch (NFS) to NPCI NPCI Started to operate ATM -> It was its first role as a payment system provider Year 2011 NPCI started to operate the Cheque Truncation System (CTS) on RBI’s behalf (on request of RBI) Product Launch/HAndover Following are the various services launched by (or handed over to) NPCI in chronological order.                  

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