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major challenges in education sector

What are major challenges in education sector?

Education is an instrument through which lives of people can be transferred. With coming of Right to Education Act of 2009 education to a large extent has universalized itself. Yet theirs remain various challenges which need to be dealt with properly: – Budget Allocation for education is only 2.5% approximately which should be increased for […]

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logical reasoning aptitude question course

Recent Development in Education Sector

ALL INDIA SURVEY ON HIGHER EDUCATION (AISHE) 8th All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) for the year 2016-17 was released by Union Ministry of Human Resource Development. Background AISHE is a Pan India, annual web-based survey Covers all the Higher Educational Institutions in the country Conducted by Ministry of Human Resource Development. Parameters on

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wipro aptitude questions

Do we need changes in teacher training programs in India?

Asper views of  Chonkya : Construction and destruction both plays under the shadow of a teacher. Teacher plays a very vital role in shaping the destiny of country through educating children in right approach. Therefore quality of teaching can profoundly help in education  outcomes concern of in teaching :- Pratham’sAnnual status of education report shows

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National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) ranking

Why is NIRF ranking important in college selection?

The NIRF framework is the brainchild of Minister of Human Resource and Development [MHRD] which aims to rank educational institutions on a scale based on parameters like – NIRF: Eruption Learning outcome Research Teaching Industry The 2019 NIRF ranked 860 institutions ranging from – medical, engineering, social sciences, law, universities, etc. See all- SOCIAL ISSUES:

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Artificial Intelligence – What it is and why it matters

Artificial Intelligence is a technology in which information from required sources are collected and processed to take an accurate decision. E.g. AI in predicting the Monsoonal parameters helps for agriculture. Analysis of AI: Significance of AI: a) AI helps in Banking Sector to identify the loan defaulters. b) It is used in National Security for

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Annual Status of Education Report

Attempt following quiz to check your understanding regarding ASER report. You are encourage to attempt the quiz first then go through the article. [WpProQuiz 49] Introduction ASER (Annual Status of Education Report) is an annual survey that aims to provide reliable annual estimates of children’s schooling status and basic learning levels for each state and

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