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Can India achieve AIDS free target by 2030 ?

HIV-AIDS is a spectrum of conditions caused by infection through the Human Immunodeficiency virus.

HIV-AIDS is caused by unprotected sex; contaminated blood transfusion and mother to child during pregnancy.

UNAIDS is a global programme aimed at eliminating AIDS by 2030.

90:90:90 strategy is a part of this global programme which aims at:-

90% – Diagnosis in 2020, 90% of all people having HIV will be made aware of it.

90% – On treatment in 2020, 90% of people having HIV will be receiving sustained anti-metro-viral therapy.

90% – Viral suppression in 2020, 90% of people receiving therapy will be virally Suppressed.

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Present global scenario :

79% – of which ,78% -of which,86% -diagnosed – on treatment – virally suppressed.

The present scenario in India :

There is an overall decline in the –

  1. New HIV infection from 1.2 lac to 88000,
  2. AIDS death from 1.6 lac to 69000,
  3. People having HIV from 23 lac to 21 lac.

Reason for slow performance in reducing AIDS –

  1. Reasons diversion to high priority service,
  2. Improve survival rate has reduced the threat of this deadly disease,
  3. The vulnerability of adolescent girl to unprotected sex by elder men.
  4. The high success rate at early part has led to a complacent assumption of conclusory victory,
  5. Lack of awareness and public knowledge.

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Measures to be taken :

  • A fresh surge of political commitment, financial resources, thrust in the health sector, public knowledge and civil society participation is required,
  • Creating awareness by launching a campaign,
  • Integrated and cooperative approach of both centre and state-government,
  • Technological invocation to event new drug.

In an attempt to achieved SDG 3.3 i.e. elimination of AIDS globally, the government is required to implement its National AIDS control program me efficiently and effectively with maximum people

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